Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Mastery Mindset…

The Essential Key To Success

September 2017 Insights

Newsletter after newsletters after newsletter, I have spent the past six years sharing a host of insights and considerations all in an effort to support women in their endeavors to obtain and sustain a life they love living. However, I’ve neglected to address the heart and soul from where I believe greater success and happiness is truly rooted…the cultivation of a mastery mindset. (more…)

Summer Series-Part I

Summer Series-Part I

What’s Holding You Back?

June 2017 Insights

What holds us back from living the lives we desire? Some people attribute their lack of having what they want in their lives to fate…the development of events beyond their control, that unavoidable befalls upon them. However, many people don’t like the concept of fate, because it negates free will, a concept most of us are certain we as humans possess. But what if neither the traditional concept of fate nor free will, really existed for most people? An unusual concept called self-fate helps explains why so many of us don’t have what we really want. (more…)

Greater Happiness & Success

Greater Happiness & Success

The Secret To Thriving

May 2017 Insights

want_greater_success_and_happinessIt’s not as hard as some would think. Yes, agreed life is challenging and often times complicated and downright messy but with the right “tools” and of course mindset every woman can live a life with greater ease and purpose. Going back many newsletters ago I referenced a great coaching tool called the Wheel of Life (can be seen below and available on my website to print out under the link titled Valuable Downloads), this wheel highlights 8 aspects  of one’s life.  Now working over 6 years as a women’s empowerment coach, I am able to confirm and know that the happiest and most successful women are those that attend to most aspects indicated on that wheel (a minimum of 6). Even if for some, those aspects, only consume an hour or two within their week. The objective here is to be present, “show up”, in as many of those “slices” of that wheel as possible. It’s not so much how much time one commits to these aspects but more importantly that they do. (more…)

What’s Your EQ…not your IQ?

What’s Your EQ…not your IQ?

Components To A Strong EI

March 2017 Insights

You’ve heard me make references to the term EQ before…more commonly I use the abbreviation EI, Emotional Intelligence. For years, a person’s “Intelligence Quotient” or IQ, was thought to determine how successful they would be. But it turns out, not so much! In todays fast paced, overloaded, challenging world, it seems our ability to manage our emotions and get along with others is the single biggest predictor to greater success than anything else. So naturally as a women’s empowerment coach I’m all about increasing one’s EI for two reason’s…enhancing one’s wellbeing and goal achievement. (more…)

Living Life Authentically

Living Life Authentically

Keep It Real

 January 2017 Insights

We each have our own unique way of learning, playing, living, and being. Greater success and happiness can only come when we are clear about who we are and what we value. Living our lives according to other people’s purpose is futile if we are truly seeking satisfaction and fulfillment within our own lives. The first step to accessing a thriving life is understanding what enhances the way YOU show up! (more…)