About Holly
“I’ve tried everything. Therapy. Meditation. Yoga... Avocados. Nothing works. How do I know this will work?!”. . . And other FAQs

Are these really FAQs?
Yes! Especially that one. (But we’ll get to that in a moment…)
1. Sure. Let’s start at the top… What’s your big ‘Why?’
Simply, I believe women have been struggling long enough. Life is complicated, challenging… We should, and deserve to, experience greater ease in our lives.
It all stems from a constant sense of not being enough. Always comparing ourselves, needing to be more…
This BS society has fed us from day 1 impacts everything we do — relationships, careers, health and wellbeing. It sucks our energy, immobilizes action, and stops us from showing up in our lives.
Greater confidence, less self-doubt — that’s the double whammy I want women to feel. And when we get that right, I’m telling you, all else will follow.
2. How do you help with all that?
Most women come to me when they have a problem — like you’d have a toothache and visit the dentist. It’s not something you choose to do. It’s a necessity…
And with me they walk out with so much more. I’m prescribing a new way of life. Through:
Services like these:
Game-changing blog posts like these:
Toolkits like this:
Grab Your Free10 Question Toolkit to Ignite A Midlife Reboot
And, of course…
Regular, inspirational emails. Seriously, these ain’t no snooze-fest. From the Myth of a Manicure, to Botox, Fillers & No More Parent-Teacher Conferences, I lift the lid on what midlife means for women today — with the humour and strategy YOU need to survive, no, thrive in every facet of your life.
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3. What would you say to any woman who’s nervous about working with you?
I’ve got your back. I truly do.
Y’know what breaks my heart? So many women think there’s something wrong with them. Something damaged within them. That what they’re feeling, or experiencing, is unique… And this is why they’ll never get the results they so desperately crave.
That they’re ‘less than.’ Maybe you feel this too?
Truth is, this is just the human condition. We’re not rigged to think positively. And you are definitely not alone… (Hey, I am a fly on many, many women’s walls.)
And so, we feed ourselves a false narrative. ‘I’m not creative.’ ‘I’m not organized.’ Honestly? That’s bull$#*t! You just haven’t cultivated that aspect of your life. We’re not born with willpower… It’s a lifestyle. An adaptable habit.
If we work together, first I’ll help you give voice to your goals — this is paramount. Then we move into energy, because knowing how to show up is key to creating optimal outcomes. We always keep one eye on your struggles, your obstacles…
We’ll draw a roadmap, a strategy, to implement in your life. Get resolve on your past — however traumatic — and move on.
The bottomline? I welcome everything. All I need from you is a willingness to be real. And a readiness to seize life with a fresh perspective.
4. What makes you different from other Life Coaches?
I like to think I work way more intimately with my clients. I’m utterly, personally invested in your transformation.Outside of our sessions, for example, I’d check in weekly by text to see how those objectives are going. (If you’re cool with that, of course…)
In short, I take a super supportive, hands on approach.
And, unlike most other Life Coaches, I have a decade under my belt as a former practicing therapist, with (if credentials are your jam):
A BA-Bachelors in Psychology from NYU, an MSW-Masters in Social Work and CSW qualification (Clinical Social Worker).
I also hold advanced coach training as an Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, and I’m a facilitator at the Happiness Studies Academy. Plus, I’m a COR.E Dynamics Transition, Leadership, Wellness Specialist…
And crucially, ethically, I’m accredited through the ICF (International Coaching Federation) as a PCC (that’s ‘Professional Certified Coach.’)
Phew. Yeah, you could say I’m an ‘all-in’ kinda woman… {Hair toss, dusts shoulders}
5. Do you have a ‘holy-$#*t’ story?
Not unless you count being dyslexic.(Which back then was pretty mortifying. Both my sisters were incredibly bright scholars — one, now, is a Lawyer for the NFL.)
So, academically I struggled immensely for a time, but ultimately it brought me closer to people. Human behavior intrigued me like nothing else.
And… It was then I learned to place greater weight on Emotional Intelligence than IQ — long before Corporate America turned it into the latest buzzword. (Because if you can’t communicate, can’t function — you can’t deliver the goods. Right?)
6. What might it surprise us to know about you?
I’m a social introvert. I hate going to parties, hate being the centre of attention (though like being noticed — there’s a big difference). And I cannot stand getting dressed up.
Get this. My daughter was a competitive dancer and… All those fake eyelashes. It was a nightmare. Seriously, I was the anti-dance mom. I’d grin and bear it… But y’know what? Those days — crazily, I miss them.
And, I guess that’s it. Fake eyelashes, fake anything — can’t do it. I can’t do fluff. I’d far rather kick back with a couple of friends. Cocktails in the backyard. Conversation…
Keepin’ it real.
7. So here’s the $$$ question — how do I know this will work?
The truth is, I know this’ll work because I practice it myself. I’ve seen the radical difference.
Therapy is healing based (and I speak from experience here). It allows people to release through sharing. My program moves one step further. It’s not only about releasing — it’s about putting practices, habits, strategies into place…
Understanding what’s blocking you, so you can move forward with ease, in a way you never have before.
8. Wait, you’re saying you have midlife struggles?!
Of course! No one is immune. I’m so far from skipping in the meadows — or being so on point. I’m not exactly Zen…
I’m a big time recovering worrier.Everyone is addicted to an emotion. Maybe several.And mine? Worry. But… I’ve just learned how to drown out the internal noise, and bust through the inevitable plateaus that hold all of us back from greater joy in our lives.
Let me be honest with you, Covid was a pretty big test for me. I hit a wall, lost my mojo… Goals that were once a slam-dunk missed the net, wildly. I’d never spent so long wondering if I’d get my spark back.
But, the beautiful thing about being in this industry for over 20 years is — I’ve gained a ton of knowledge. I peeled back the layers of my life… And gave myself the grace (and space) to heal.
And why am I telling you this? Because growth isn’t a linear process! And midlife?! It’s one crazy transition after another! But the key is knowing how to support yourself. How to harness that energy…
So, like me, you can get back up with chutzpah… And finally start living a life you’ll truly love.
Hands down. That’s how I know this $#*t works.
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About Holly Boxenhorn

Holly Boxenhorn is a midlife transition coach who specializes in helping women aged 40 and up…
Make the next years, their best years.
Holly has come to learn not only professionally but personally that navigating the inevitable transitions of midlife — children leaving home, careers changing up, parents aging, re-envisioning intimate and social relationships — all while adjusting to our own health and body changes, can be a disruptive yet transformative force.
Using a unique framework, Holly introduces women to 6 key elements that unlock ease, fulfillment and confidence in their lives… Ensuring they optimize midlife angst and reclaim themselves — with excitement and energy.
When not igniting deep transformative work for her clients, Holly finds bliss curled up on the sofa, reading with 2 beloved Goldendoodles on her lap — ‘they bring me enormous joy for no particular reason, just because they exist’… Sweating it up on the Peloton or at pickleball with friends, chillin’ with her husband or reliving the 80’s with The Eagles, Queen and a (minor) hairspray addiction.
Just don’t ask her to pull on a dress, heels and hit the town…
(Or jewelry, for that matter. She doesn’t possess any!)
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“Holly will get you to climb your next mountain and keep tabs on you so that you do not fall.
Sometimes, every [woman] gets thrown a curveball, and has to redefine who they are in their present lives. We have multiple roles and so many people depend on us…
Holly guides me through these struggles with compassionate support while helping me to discover what really matters in life, how I can meet my own personal needs — and still be there for those who need me.
She has become my own personal cheerleader.
If you want to get going in your life — get going to Holly!’’
Annie F.
“I have learned what I want in life by discovering what was MOST important to me!’
Initially I thought, ‘what’s a life coach?!’ From that day, it has been a wonderful road of discovery, ever since.
Holly assisted me in learning what was preventing me from taking action and challenging it.
She keeps me accountable all the way. She is genuine and honest in the way she interacts, I never feel judged, and my feelings are always valued. It’s wonderful knowing that Holly always has my back.”
Eileen D.
Eileen D.
“Having Holly in my life has been a game changer.’
At 61, I was suddenly without a job and had a decision to make — find security again within a company, or re-establish my own consulting business.
With Holly, I set priorities and examined my belief system — who I was, what I wanted for myself…
Holly has given me focus, direction, and confidence. She set me on a path with goal-setting, and has coached me through when times got tough.
I can’t get enough of what she’s brought to me!”
Donna S.
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