Quite simply ladies, you’ve been struggling for too long…
Midlife crisis. It’s not just a clichéd excuse for your husband to magically conjure up that Tesla Roadster on the driveway…
As a women’s midlife transition coach, specializing in helping those of you aged 45 and up — make the next years, your best years…
I know what you’re feeling right now is… Real. Valid. And damn hard.
I know you are feeling a bit irrelevant. Afraid to admit you deserve more…
But rest assured, I hear you. And it’s time for the struggle to stop.
Scroll down for ways we can connect. And I promise to help you thrive — not merely survive — through the second phase of your life.
Personality tests. I have a love-hate relationship with them.
Take Myers-Briggs… (Or maybe you’re an Enneagram #7?) Whatever the label… ‘This is it,’ you think. ‘It’ll be a revelation.’
Instead — And? Now what? You’re pigeonholed. Still trapped in that box.
But, there is a way out…
{Ahem. Enter Live2Thrive. Stage right.}
Girls, this profile is freakin’ it. The foundation, the building blocks — for all we’re about to accomplish.
Through an initial 20 minute online assessment (followed by a 60 minute coaching debrief) you’ll be given a complete snapshot of how everything up to this moment — all you’ve experienced, all you perceive in the world is…
Holding you back.
And how you, yourself, may be negatively impacting the outcome of your life.
But together we’ll work to change this energetically. Create tangible, measurable, understandable transformation…
See the mind blowing truth — that it’s never too late to reclaim yourself…
And break-free from that box on the shelf.
1–1 Consultations
When was the last time you gave yourself the space to reflect? To truly consider yourself — above all others?
Whatever transition you might be facing in life right now:
- Children leaving home
- Parents becoming more and more dependent
- A gut-wrenching ‘heck no!’ to all those goals that for years seemed so freakin’ important
… Or simply wondering — ‘what’s next? Are those best years really behind me…?’
I’d place a bet (if I was that kinda woman) that after a lifetime of putting others first, you find it impossible to constructively consider what your life has become. And more importantly, what you long to make of it…
A 1-1 consultation with me is the place to receive attention. The personal, private constructive attention that you so deserve. That will undoubtedly transform your life.
How? Well, together we’ll begin by looking at 6 influencers that energetically impact the here and now — what’s your value base? What’s your vision? Is this my bigger purpose?
(And honestly, the happiest version of myself is when I feel purposeful.)
We’ll move into 10 disciplines that create sustainable change, from allowing you to accept reality and stop sugarcoating life — to living with authenticity…
Utter confidence.
The backbone to all this? Our energy. Our external and internal blocks (the real beasts): Limiting beliefs. Disempowering assumptions. Our Gremlins…
Mine? (Because we all have them.) That I couldn’t be a present full-time parent and run a successful business…
Or before that, as a dyslexic school-girl — that I was good. Really good at a lot of things. But I’ll never be great.
(That one just LOVES to come out and play, any time I’m trying to level up.)

But each time, I’ll kick him to the curb. (Far less messy than squishing in a blender. Or exploding in a microwave…)
And once you understand where that beast is coming from, and why he’s holding you back…
You can leave it in the past. Shelve it. And move the eff forward.
Group Coaching
Do you ever feel there’s just no-one to talk to? To share your deepest thoughts and fears with?
That it’s just fluff. That even your oldest, dearest, most beloved friend — no longer understands you?
Maybe what you want to say is — just too damn personal. Not for the ears of anyone who knows you, intimately…
‘Is there anyone out there’ — you wonder, ‘going though the same $#*t I am?!’
Truth is, there’s something intrinsically powerful about being amongst other women who are experiencing the same situation, same feelings as you — but have different perspectives…
Community is the numero uno advantage to a group program.
Whether we discuss time management. Creative problem solving. Health and wellness. How to manage catabolic, draining relationships (to name but a few…)
Rest assured there’s a place for you, here.
Amongst women who know how you’re feeling, but are ready to cast off their shackles and move forward — together.
Not sure what you need?
I’ve got your back…
And I’ll steer you on the journey that’s right for you.
Book Your Free Discovery Call
“Working with Holly was one of the best gifts I gave to myself !
I took the 20 minute assessment (Live2Thrive Profile) and learned how much I was getting in the way of greater happiness in my life.
After 3 months of working together I love the feeling of confidence and excitement I now have. Holly helped me identify what was holding me back, build on my strengths and develop personal life skills I use everyday.
I really felt like she cared! She always came to each session fully attentive and so invested…
Our work together was truly life changing.’’
“Holly Boxenhorn has truly changed my life’
I credit Holly with helping me to clarify my professional and personal goals…
Enabling me to focus on what I truly want and allowing me to move in the direction of my dreams.
She has helped me in every single area of my life…my career, my personal relationships, time management and goal setting.
I know that I would not be where I am today without her guidance and expertise.’’
Kerry F.
The meeting had all the right ingredients: it was informative, engaging, with humor and good advice to boot.’
Holly’s genuine wish to reach out and assist all the attendees was refreshing to see.
Once everything is on paper in black and white, the big picture is not so overwhelming. Holly opened the floor for great discussions among the group.
I trust & respect Holly. Her rock solid common sense approach, along with her tenacity to get to the heart of the issue, is as welcoming as it is impressive.
Eileen E.
Energize Your Future With The 10 Question Toolkit…
Ignite a Midlife Reboot
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