Trusting The Process

Trusting The Process

“All Great Achievements Require Time”

 -Maya Angelou-

December 2016 Insights

“Trust the process”….we’ve all heard the expression before. But what does that even mean? For some that statement in and of itself seems intangible, a rather uncomfortable concept to accept. While others may view it as a cop-out, irresponsible, and lacking a proactive stance. However, it really is quite the opposite. For me, the concept of trusting the process is best captured in Maya Angelou famous quote, “All great achievements require time”. hold_the_visionMeaning in essence, everything and everyone are all a work in progress. No one sets out to do less then they are capable of doing in the current circumstances they’re in. No one ever intentionally sets out to make a mistake, “fail”, experience a less than desirable outcome. Trusting the process is living and learning but with faith in oneself that when the process we commit to is not getting us where we want, we have the opportunity to learn from that process and then modify or change it accordingly.

4 Main Concepts To Trusting the Process

• We always do the best we can and nothing else.

• Understanding that“bumps  in the road ”are a part of the process.

• Knowing that all experiences have value. So even if things don’t“go your way”, you can always learn a lesson in what has occurred.

• To be totally committed to a plan of action and follow it through.

• Knowing there is always opportunity to make modifications and/or changes to that plan should it not create an optimal outcome.


As this year comes to an end and we reflect upon all we did and didn’t accomplish, have no regrets, give thanks for the learning and usefulness this year has brought. Welcome what 2017 will bring us, trust the process and remember you will always know more than you did yesterday!

Wishing You The Best Of Success




Make Stress Your Friend

Make Stress Your Friend

The Upside Of Stress

October 2016 Insights

“When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body’s response to stress”

-Kelly McGonigal, PhD-

Everyone has stress in their lives, and most people would agree they want less stress. But what people really want is to have less of a “stress reaction” to the things that are occurring in their lives and zapping their energy. Stress itself is not the enemy; it’s our reaction to it. How great would it be if rather than seeing your most stressful days as the worst days of your life, they actually become your best days? (more…)

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Responding vs. Reacting

July 2016 Insights


Though the words respond and react are similar, the difference between the two is quite significant. When you react, you are being controlled by outside circumstances, whether it be a difficult situation or person. When you respond, however, you are in control of yourself, of your emotions. Unfortunately, many people misinterpret what it means to be in emotional control and believe the key to responding vs. reacting is all and only about keeping our feelings in check. Yes, of course the ultimate outcome we want is to manage our emotions to allow us to respond rather than react but not at the cost of spiting ourselves the awareness and understanding of how we feel by brushing our feelings under the rug just to keep ourselves in line. It is actually through a greater awareness and understanding of our feelings that we can then become smarter emotionally, express ourselves more effectively, and lessen the tendency to fall prey to living at the effect of our emotions. (more…)

Go Anti-Hibernation

Go Anti-Hibernation

Resist The Urge To Hibernate

 February 2016 Insights

With dead of the winter upon us and the holiday season no longer luring us out of our homes to keep us busy, the temptation to hibernate heightens for many of us. Like bears we humans experience a state of “winter lethargy”. But unlike bears we humans do not need to preserve our energy stores nor lock ourselves in our caves to beat the elements. In fact, contrary to how hibernation works for a bear’s survival it can be rather counterproductive for us human beings. (more…)

Personal Development

Personal Development

Our Children Are Growing….Are We?

September 2015 Insights

Funny after a certain age, investment in our self-growth seems to taper off.  We get so busy with our lives; attending to others, our “jobs”, upkeep of our homes & finances, that we forget that success is really just the byproduct of living our lives to the fullest so that we can continue to expand upon the best we can be! (more…)