Operation Clean Sweep

Operation Clean Sweep

 Are You Ready To Clean Up Your Life?

January 2018 Insights

Alright, everyone, it’s officially a new year, happy 2018! Though as you all know I’m not big into the hype that surrounds “new year” resolutions, I’ll take any excuse to support women with getting busy on creating the things they want in and for their lives. Knowing that every woman will have their own unique story they will want to tell by the time this new year comes to pass, I’m going to take January’s newsletter to start everyone off on a clean slate so to say. Bottomline, regardless of what your 2018 objectives may be, everyone will have more energy if they are clear within their physical environment, wellbeing, money, and relationships. There is nothing better than clean space, full communication, and self-responsibility to support optimal outcomes in this new year. Read on to learn more about The Clean Sweep Program… (more…)

Minimize Time Zappers

Minimize Time Zappers

Reclaim Your Time!

December 2017

As we move into the height of the holiday season, notably a time-consuming month and lending nicely to last month’s post on “Shifting The Pressure of Time”, I’d thought it be helpful to take December’s newsletter to explore the two biggest pitfalls women fall prey to resulting in valuable loss of their time…overcommitting and failing to manage distractions. (more…)

Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Mastery Mindset…

The Essential Key To Success

September 2017 Insights

Newsletter after newsletters after newsletter, I have spent the past six years sharing a host of insights and considerations all in an effort to support women in their endeavors to obtain and sustain a life they love living. However, I’ve neglected to address the heart and soul from where I believe greater success and happiness is truly rooted…the cultivation of a mastery mindset. (more…)

A Matter Of Perspective

A Matter Of Perspective

Big Problem or Huge Opportunity?

September 2016 Insights

A company once sent two shoe salespeople to an area in Africa where they had never sold any shoes. One was their senior, most experienced salesperson, Margo, and they expected big things of her. The other was an optimistic rookie named Cynthia. She didn’t have as much experience, but she had a lot of enthusiasm. They figured she might be able to sell a few pair of shoes. Shortly after their arrival in Africa, Margo, the experienced salesperson emailed the home office saying, “You might as well bring me back. Nobody here wears shoes.” The rookie, Cynthia, wired the home office an urgent message: “Send me all the shoes you’ve got. Nobody here is wearing shoes!” (more…)

Catabolic or Anabolic Choice

Catabolic or Anabolic Choice


August 2016 Insights

Many of us walk around feeling like we have limited choices in many aspects of our lives. Take notice of how many times in a day you say the words have to, should, and need to. Whenever you feel like you must do something, you’re a prisoner, a victim to your thoughts or circumstances. In fact, when faced with a task or something to do, there are five basic ways you can view them and only one is by full conscious choice. (more…)