Can you? Or can’t you?
Achieving Those Goals
Hey there!
It’s time to raise a belated glass to that elephant in the room… Goal Setting.
Ewww, I know. Love it or hate it — setting goals is an undeniable step to success.
Maybe you’re part of the shiny ‘New Year, New Me’ crowd. You’re still hard at the gym. You’re keeping up those dinner dates with girlfriends…
Perhaps, despite the symbolism of fresh starts and new beginnings, you prefer to eaaase yourself into a new year — mug in hand, lounging in the gorgeous cashmere sweater you finally treated yourself to in January’s sales. Bliss…
Or maybe you’re one of the 80% of resolution makers petering out as we now move into the first week of February…
Finding you’re beating yourself up already. (Pah! You know I don’t believe in guilt-trippin’ or shaming. We’re human. I’ve got your back.)
Last month, I talked through the numero uno secret you need to master in order to go the distance this year. The one thing that’s a game-changer for giving back clarity and making sure we’re firing on optimal levels. Missed it? You can read that post here.
This month, I’m going one step further. You’ll be leaning into your own energy. Being gentle with yourself. Learning how to trust — and make your internal dialogue work for you when it comes to goal setting.
So the question is — what are your goals for this year?
And more importantly — do you think you can achieve them?
Because, truth is, there’s scientifically-validated wisdom in Henry Ford’s quip: ‘whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.’
Or in other words, on a scale of 1–10, what confidence do you have that you’ve got what it takes to make your goals happen this time…
And, well — stick?!
The study of Self-Efficacy (or the Science of Self-Confidence) is SUPER important in this.
It quite simply translates as: the belief that you can achieve what you set out to achieve.
And Albert Bandura — one of the most respected psychologists in the world — is one of its biggest proponents.
Bandura tells us there are 4 primary ways we can build on our own self-efficacy — and finally make our goals stick:
- Accomplishments. Specifically, your past successes. When did you last accomplish something that felt difficult — or even impossible? Reminding yourself of big and small wins from the past are HUGE ways to boost your current confidence.
Create those wins, celebrate them. Build your self-image as someone who succeeds… And bring those past mastery experiences to mind when you’re facing current challenges.
- Social Modeling. Seeing someone else achieve the success YOU would like to achieve. Truth is, if they can do it, you can do it! Know that.
(Note: Don’t be envious of their success. Celebrate it!)
- Verbal Persuasion/Support. When someone tells you that you can achieve success, listen to them. This could be a coach, or supportive co-worker or friend.
Better yet, persuade yourself through positive self-talk! Kindly challenge yourself as you would someone near or dear to you.
- Act as if. This is a game-changer (and one I practice time after time). If you want to succeed, act like a successful person! Walk, talk, breathe, and carry yourself as if you’ve already achieved that which you aspire to be.
You can read more about this in my past post here.
Lean into your energy. Listen to your past successes. Visualize your value: allow yourself to celebrate your wins when setting goals — and get ready to triumph.
Now ladies — strike that power pose and go get ‘em!
P.S. Before I leave you today, I’d LOVE for you to take a pen and paper and jot down the answers to these 4 questions:
- What’s a past success you can celebrate and build on — for future triumph?
- Who do you admire — who’s achieved something you’d love to have for yourself? Celebrate them! If they can do it, you can do it.
- Who’s your biggest cheerleader? And what supportive words do they share?
- When you’re at your best, how do you walk, talk, breathe and hold yourself?
P.P.S So, what are your goals for this year? Shoot me an email here. I’d love to know— and cheer you on as you rock them!
And know that whenever you’re in doubt, that’s what I’m here for…