Summertime Mojo

Summertime Mojo

How To Stay Motivated Even During
The Dog Days Of Summer

July 2014 Insights

For most, summer is often a time of the year when we take a step back and put our  goals on the back burner. It’s hard to ignore visions of boats, beaches and tall cool drinks. Not to mention the challenge of children being home from school and vacations planned, setting the stage for the perfect scenario of “summertime sabotage”- a condition that sets us back in most aspects of our lives and creates the need for a whole lot of catch up comes September.

In a perfect world, it would be great if we all could just take off for two months and pick up where we last left off without compromising levels of productivity and drive. But since  we all know that isn’t likely to happen, I plan to take this month’s Keys To Success Insights and share a few of my favorite suggestions on how to keep our “mojo” going even during the dog days of summer. (more…)

Lighten Up!

Lighten Up!

It Doesn’t Have To Be So Intense

 May 2014 Insights

Ok, let’s change gears and lighten it up a bit this month. Yes, I know last newsletter I asked you guys to dig deep and invest some serious time in getting clear about those personal, internal challenges getting in your way of greater success and happiness. But this month we are going to bring it down a notch. Though undoubtably, getting clear from the inside out is a necessary reality for anyone seeking their higher potential, sometimes what gets in our way isn’t all that complicated nor emotionally charged. (more…)

Getting Clear From the Inside Out

Getting Clear From the Inside Out


Got Baggage?

Get Clear From the Inside Out

April 2014 Insights

Let’s face it no matter how “perfect” your upbringing may have been or how fortunate your life is turning out, we all have some level of “emotional baggage”. I use the term emotional baggage loosely as a means to describe the cumulation of responses to our negative life experiences. It is not the degree of anguish one experiences that is most important but rather how well aware one is of its impact on their current life and how they choose to manage it. (more…)





Are they lifting your spirits up or dragging you down?

February 2014 Insights

What better month to write about the importance of cultivating healthy relationships than February, the month we celebrate Valentines Day. The quality of our personal relationships has an enormous impact on our mental, emotional and physical well-being. Think about it, unless you are shipwrecked on a deserted island, most of us are involved in numerous types of relationships. These relationships may include romantic, friends, parents, children, siblings, coworkers, neighbors, mentors/teachers and of course the often forgotten about relationship with ourselves.

How we chose to experience our relationships can determine our level of happiness. Yet many of us never stop to consider whether as a whole our relationships lift our spirits up or drag us down. I’d like to take some time in this Month’s Key’s to Success Insights and identify those qualities that typically make up a healthy relationship while also make some suggestions on how to better manage those relationships that drain us. (more…)

Thriving or Surviving?

Thriving or Surviving?

It’s A Choice

January 2014 Insights


Do you feel like you’re just going through the motions in your daily life? Are those well intended plans regarding your health, relationships, and personal development repeatedly being put on the back burner? Are you just settling for status quo?

Stop for a moment and take a look at your current life: health, career, home environment, finances, relationships with friends & family, romance, personal growth as well as your overall satisfaction and happiness in life. (more…)