Get Busy!

March 2018 Insights

Ok, ladies, March is here, we are now in the third month of 2018. What’s it going to be? I know it’s been cold and gray, making it challenging to get moving on what it is we want in and for our lives. Commonly, many of us start off with the best of intentions in January and tend to lose our tenacity comes February. I get it, the doldrums of winter can be less than inspiring but let’s take this month’s newsletter to refocus and rally. (more…)

Summer Series-Part V

Summer Series-Part V

What’s Holding You Back?

August 20th 2017 Insights

Concluding the summer series to Keys To Success Insights, we’ll end with exploring the last of the Big 4 energy blocks. Remember, as I have been sharing… when we are not achieving or are having limited success with what it is we want in and for our lives, it’s most likely a result of one of the four energy blocks that’s keeping us stuck. In the past few newsletters, we looked at limiting beliefs – things that you accept about life, about yourself, about your world, or about the people in it, that limit you in some way; assumptions – expectations that, because something has happened in the past, it will happen again; and interpretations – opinions and judgments that you create about an event, situation, person, or experience and believe to be true. It is now time to examine the last, but certainly not the least, of the big four energy blocks. The final block we’ll talk about – the gremlin – is the most difficult to overcome, because it’s the most personal and holds the most energy. (more…)

Summer Series- Part IV

Summer Series- Part IV

What’s Holding You Back?

August 6th 2017 Insights

For those of you just joining into my summer series of Keys to Success Insights, we have been exploring the Big 4 energy blocks that keep us stuck and limit greater success and happiness in our lives. We’ve already explored the concept behind self-fate, limiting beliefs and disempowering assumptions. This month, we move onto the third energy block, interpretations. When we interpret something, we create an opinion about an event, situation, or experience. In essence, we create an explanation and then look for evidence to support its validity. When we make an interpretation, we don’t even see that other explanations exist. But in actuality, an interpretation often only represents one viewpoint among the many that are possible. (more…)

Summer Series- Part III

Summer Series- Part III

What’s Holding You Back?

July 25th 2017 Insights

A few weeks ago, we explored limiting beliefs, the first of the “Big 4” energy blocks which prevent us from making conscious choices and reaching our potential. Let’s now take a look at another one of those blocks – disempowering assumptions. In general, assumptions are beliefs that are based on the premise that because something happened in the past, it is automatically going to happen again. When we make choices based on our assumptions, we let the past control the future. More specifically, disempowering assumptions hold us back even further, because when we experience something that doesn’t work, we likely avoid or simply won’t even attempt it again. Even if we do attempt it, we don’t put much energy towards it, or are engaged in what we are trying to accomplish, since we don’t really believe it will work. When we hold on to our disempowering assumptions, we miss out on many possibilities. (more…)

Summer Series-Part II

Summer Series-Part II

What’s Holding You Back?

July 11th, 2017 Insights

In Part I of this summer’s five-part series, we discussed Self-Fate and how we cannot change our future unless the control of the past is removed. We need to learn to make conscious choices, choices that are made in the present moment, without all the emotional “baggage” we carry around. Moving forward, for the next four newsletters I’d like you to think of this emotional baggage as being packed in four kinds of suitcases – the “Big 4” energy blocks that we carry around with us that dictates how we see the world and likely holds us back from reaching our potential. (more…)