Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards

Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards

Does The Ends Always Justify The Means?

 May 2015 Insights

I’ll be the first one to admit…it’s feels really good to jump on a scale and find myself to be 5lbs lighter after committing to a month of clean eating and consistent exercise. Undeniably, I get tremendous satisfaction when I rock a presentation and land myself a new client or two. Extrinsic rewards, those tangible benefits of a particular job or activity, which is external to the job itself are undoubtably highly motivating. But what about the power of intrinsic rewards, motivation we derive from an outcome that gives an individual personal satisfaction from a job well done. Such as the feelings of enjoyment, pride, security, strength, empowerment, and vitality. While extrinsic rewards can often provide us the push we need to enhance our lives in order to obtain a reward (i.e. more money, friendships, fitting into size 6 jeans) or avoid a punishment (i.e being fired, having high blood pressure, little to no fun & enjoyment in our lives), research indicates that the staying power is in the intrinsic rewards. (more…)




 “Love Yourself First and Everything Else Falls Into Place”

-Lucille Ball-

 February 2015 Insight

So true! Self-love is a critical component to living life well! It impacts almost every aspect of our lives. From social and intimate relationships to the image we project at work and in our communities as well as how effectively we cope with life challenges. It’s development can only occur if direct actions are taken to support one’s physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. So in the spirit of Valentines Day, a holiday  many of us typically designate as a time to express our love to those near and dear to us, I’m going to ask you to do the same for yourself! (more…)

Embracing Change

Embracing Change

Strategies On Creating Effective Change

 October 2014 Insights

There’s no season like autumn that screams the reality that change is inevitable. With the temperature dropping, days getting shorter and leaves turning bright colors of red, orange and yellow- fall seems like the perfect time of year to celebrate the powerful benefits of CHANGE. Yet understandable, effecting positive change doesn’t generally come easy. Rather it requires work, a conscious effort and a true willingness to push oneself out of their comfort zone. That is why so many of us shutter at the mere mention of the word change. Leaving the familiar to embrace the unknown can be a scary endeavor. So in support of a more opportunistic stance on change I’d like to take this month’s Keys To Success Insights and share some key strategies that I believe enhance its process and ease the challenges that accompanies it. (more…)

Getting Older Happens. Getting Wiser Is Optional

Getting Older Happens. Getting Wiser Is Optional

Growing Old Gracefully

August 2014 Insights

Ever hear the expression “Getting Older Happens. Getting Wiser Is Optional”? Well, I’ve come to realize that there’s a whole lot of truth to that statement. Let’s face it, there’s no getting around the reality of aging and all the challenges it comes with but as it has been wisely said we really shouldn’t complain about getting older as it is a privilege many are denied. Hmm, maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to grip about those wrinkles and grey hairs after all. Growing old gracefully can be a choice. So let’s take this month’s Keys to Success insights and consider this more fully. (more…)

Getting Clear From the Inside Out

Getting Clear From the Inside Out


Got Baggage?

Get Clear From the Inside Out

April 2014 Insights

Let’s face it no matter how “perfect” your upbringing may have been or how fortunate your life is turning out, we all have some level of “emotional baggage”. I use the term emotional baggage loosely as a means to describe the cumulation of responses to our negative life experiences. It is not the degree of anguish one experiences that is most important but rather how well aware one is of its impact on their current life and how they choose to manage it. (more…)