Dreams Can Come True

Dreams Can Come True

Don’t Stop Believing

 March 2014 Insights

The other day my 11 year old daughter very candidly asked me if I knew whether or not Harvard University has a dance program. When I asked why she wanted to know she simply responded by saying that “since I plan to attend Harvard after I graduate high school, I’m hoping to still be able to dance, because you know mom that really is my true passion and though I don’t want to be a professional dancer I still want to be able to “seriously” dance.”

Wow, was all I could think! Of course as her mother it’s my job to support and encourage her but at the same time I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe I should sit down with her and gently explain that the likelihood of her getting in Harvard University was pretty slim while at the same time maintaining a rigorous dance program would certainly be biting off more than one can chew. (more…)

How Are You?

How Are You?

No Seriously, How Are You?

August 2013 Insights

So often we ask each other “how are you?”. It’s a nice way to greet people and gives us the opportunity to catch up on our friends, family’s and acquaintance’s lives. But in this month’s Keys to Success Insights I want to take it a step further and ask all of you HOW ARE YOU TRULY? Not only in general but more specifically.

As women, we are naturally nurturing and caring towards our children, mates and other loved ones. Our dedication and commitment to others can often override our abilities to take care of ourselves; creating obstacles with our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. So in this month’s newsletter I’m asking you to take some time for yourself and consider the questions I have attached below and truly assess HOW ARE YOU? (more…)