Getting Older Happens. Getting Wiser Is Optional

Getting Older Happens. Getting Wiser Is Optional

Growing Old Gracefully

August 2014 Insights

Ever hear the expression “Getting Older Happens. Getting Wiser Is Optional”? Well, I’ve come to realize that there’s a whole lot of truth to that statement. Let’s face it, there’s no getting around the reality of aging and all the challenges it comes with but as it has been wisely said we really shouldn’t complain about getting older as it is a privilege many are denied. Hmm, maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to grip about those wrinkles and grey hairs after all. Growing old gracefully can be a choice. So let’s take this month’s Keys to Success insights and consider this more fully. (more…)

Summertime Mojo

Summertime Mojo

How To Stay Motivated Even During
The Dog Days Of Summer

July 2014 Insights

For most, summer is often a time of the year when we take a step back and put our  goals on the back burner. It’s hard to ignore visions of boats, beaches and tall cool drinks. Not to mention the challenge of children being home from school and vacations planned, setting the stage for the perfect scenario of “summertime sabotage”- a condition that sets us back in most aspects of our lives and creates the need for a whole lot of catch up comes September.

In a perfect world, it would be great if we all could just take off for two months and pick up where we last left off without compromising levels of productivity and drive. But since  we all know that isn’t likely to happen, I plan to take this month’s Keys To Success Insights and share a few of my favorite suggestions on how to keep our “mojo” going even during the dog days of summer. (more…)

Don’t Forget To Say Good-Bye

Don’t Forget To Say Good-Bye


Reflecting On The Year Passed

December 2013 Insights

It may be surprising for some to hear but I’m not big into new year resolutions. You see as a life coach I hate to limit myself and my clients to resolving to “get going” on our life ambitions based on what the calendar says. I’d like to think regardless (winter, spring, summer or fall) that there’s no better time than the present to create positive change in our lives. I am, however, a big proponent of taking the last few days on the calendar to reflect upon the year passed as I believe it will help set the stage for greater success all through the new coming year. (more…)

Living in the Moment

Living in the Moment

Living in the Moment…Can it be Done?

October 2013 Insights

Now that’s a tough one. Personally speaking I struggle with this concept often. Let’s face it, asking women to live in the moment is an oxymoron in and of itself. In this fast-paced, overloaded world where women are revered for their abilities to manage multiple things at once, how are we suppose to suddenly shut it all down and “live in the moment”. It sounds lovely and of course would serve us all very well but it is completely contradictory to how we live our lives. From family schedules and responsibilities to work and household deadlines and commitments, the idea of being “present” in most moments of our lives seems like a tricky thing to nail down. However, as I’m learning with practice and determination it can be done.  After spending some significant time researching the subject and having personally invested my own time in practicing various “mindful” exercises, I have come up with my own “Tip” list I would like to share. (more…)

Rediscovering Yourself vs. Reinventing Yourself

Rediscovering Yourself vs. Reinventing Yourself

Rediscovery vs. Reinventing

Not So Sure It Has To Be One Or The Other

 September 2013 Insights

As women we often find ourselves in states of transition. We experience frequent times in our lives when we question our current state of being. We find ourselves asking, are we happy? What is my purpose? Where is my life taking me? Who am I?  and Where do I go from here?

Let’s face it, from the moment  we hit puberty women become well acquainted with the challenge of making life transitions. From adolescence through late adulthood we find ourselves frequently at times in our lives when we feel a change of self or direction is required and needed. (more…)