Getting Clear From the Inside Out

Getting Clear From the Inside Out


Got Baggage?

Get Clear From the Inside Out

April 2014 Insights

Let’s face it no matter how “perfect” your upbringing may have been or how fortunate your life is turning out, we all have some level of “emotional baggage”. I use the term emotional baggage loosely as a means to describe the cumulation of responses to our negative life experiences. It is not the degree of anguish one experiences that is most important but rather how well aware one is of its impact on their current life and how they choose to manage it. (more…)

Girl Power….something to think about

Girl Power….something to think about

Girl Power!

April 2013 Insights


So the other day I find myself explaining to my 10 year old daughter “why are girls so mean to other girls?”. She couldn’t get it, she was watching a movie depicting how awful girls can be to each other for no valid reason. She was right, there is no sense in it!

I can still remember the close group of friends I had when I was her age and how each week one of the five of us was the designated low man on the totem pole, the one ostracized for no apparent reason other than at least it wasn’t you being talked about. The funny thing is that no one was discounted, we each experienced the ridicule the others provided, yet sadly no one ever suggested to consider another way to express our insecurities. So we continued to mask our own fears and self-doubts by being judgmental and yes down right mean to any girl who posed a threat or pushed a button. It’s too bad, adolescence is hard enough, think of how much better it would be if we as girls came together and supported each other. Damn, we may have ruled the world and no longer be considered the minority sex after all. (more…)