New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Thoughts On Creating New Beginnings

 April 2015 Insights

Spring has sprung! It’s a great time to embrace new beginnings. All around us we witness an awakening of our surroundings, bringing us the perfect climate, literally and figuratively, to create fresh starts and renew our existences. For me spring time screams the inevitability that nothing stays the same. Even though we often feel as if the winter will never end, we suddenly see a budding flower or experience our first warm weather day, reminding us that life is truly cyclical and that all experiences, positive or negative, come to pass. However, unlike the natural ease of the changing seasons, most people don’t strive for new beginnings nor exercise their power to create them. (more…)

Promise to Pay It Forward

Promise to Pay It Forward


Giving Thanks

 November 2014 Insights

The other day someone asked me, “what’s one of the best decisions you’ve ever made?” Without hesitation, I said becoming a women’s leadership coach. Now of course I’ve made some other instrumental decisions in my life, like marrying one of the greatest people I know and then of course creating a family with him. There was also the decision of welcoming a 75lb dog into our lives and I have to admit purchasing a Keurig coffee machine rates rather high on good decisions made. However, the question in and of itself- “What’s One of the Best Decision I’ve Ever Made”- really got me thinking and why was leadership coaching the first thing I blurted out? (more…)

Rediscovering Yourself vs. Reinventing Yourself

Rediscovering Yourself vs. Reinventing Yourself

Rediscovery vs. Reinventing

Not So Sure It Has To Be One Or The Other

 September 2013 Insights

As women we often find ourselves in states of transition. We experience frequent times in our lives when we question our current state of being. We find ourselves asking, are we happy? What is my purpose? Where is my life taking me? Who am I?  and Where do I go from here?

Let’s face it, from the moment  we hit puberty women become well acquainted with the challenge of making life transitions. From adolescence through late adulthood we find ourselves frequently at times in our lives when we feel a change of self or direction is required and needed. (more…)