Where And Who You Are Now
The Power In Acceptance
For many, December is a month of reflection. As we end the year and begin to contemplate new year resolutions, it’s a perfect time to surrender to the discipline of acceptance. Without acceptance we are only fighting or denying what is, making it almost impossible to behave proactively and move forward to create the change we seek in the coming year.
It’s important not to confuse acceptance with resignation. Resignation is an act of giving up of our control, quitting, or succumbing to less than desirable outcomes. Whereas acceptance is more about gaining control and increasing the likelihood for more optimal results through embracing what actually is, in order to better assist ourselves with the understanding of what really needs to be addressed.
So before we can create the change we desire for the coming year we must first accept where we are now. Grab some paper and pen and start considering how you spent this past year, what did you accomplish that you are proud of and where may have you fallen short. Let’s explore the highs and lows, celebrations and shortcomings to find the lessons to be learned from all our experiences, positive and negative and move forward with a renewed conviction in this new coming year.
Ask Yourself:
- What were the most significant events (good or ugly) of the year past? (List the top 3)
- What did you accomplish? (List wins and achievements)
- What were your disappointments? ( Regarding yourself )
- What were your biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?
- What did you learn? (skills, knowledge, awareness, etc)
- What would you do differently? Why?
- What do you feel especially good about? What was your greatest contribution?
- What were the fun things you did? What were the not-so-fun?
- How are you different this year than last?
Let these reflections inform your plans for the new year. Say good-bye to 2019. Give thanks for the learning and usefulness this year has brought and welcome in 2020 with your eyes wide open and ready to move forward!
Happy Holidays Everyone!