Valuable Dowloads
Time Management Skill Assessment
Managing our time in a manner that allows us to successfully reach our goals requires certain skills. Here is a list of typical time management skills. For each skill, rate your effectiveness on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high). Then consider which skills are important for you to acquire/improve. What plan can you put into place to acquire/improve these skills? Download
Values Clarification Exercise
Core values are the principles that people live by, they are what drives us forward and helps us to take action. When we align with our core values we are better able to prioritize, organize and simplify our lives. The Values Clarification Exercise is the cornerstone to most of my work with clients. Much of the tools, strategies and skills I share builds upon the necessity of aligning with one’s values. Download
Smart Goals
A highly effective coaching tool used to assist clients in breaking down their goals to manageable action steps so that ultimately they obtain any and all of their aspirations. This technique serves as a valuable strategy because it provides as a roadmap to enhance clarity and direction needed for goal setting while simultaneously enhancing accountability and lessening feelings of overwhelm. Download
Wheel of Life
Learning how to put your best effort into areas that have the greatest impact in your life must first start with knowing what areas in your life you value and want to enhance. This is where the Wheel of Life can help. Commonly used by professional life coaches, it helps you consider each area of your life in turn and assess what’s off balance. As such, it helps you identify areas that need more attention. Download
The Power of Language…tool of reframing
One of the most effective ways to squash negative self-talk, is to change how you speak. Changing your language changes your reality. Language originates from thoughts and feelings. Words, and the intention behind them are either negative or positive in thought. They convey an underlying message to our energy centers creating physical, emotional, and spiritual responses. Download