Live To Thrive

The Science of Happiness Simplified
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Want to move into the latter part of your life more graciously, happily, and successfully, experiencing less angst and more joy?

Join me along with an intimate group of like-minded women who are ready to leverage the wisdom they have gained from a life filled with highs & lows, shed the skin of what no longer serves them and holds them back, and learn proven methodologies that support SUSTAINABLE wellbeing.

Through a 9 week online, very hands-on experience, we will do a deep dive into the 4 Pillars of Wellbeing~Body, Mind, Heart, and Spirit to gain a thorough understanding behind the science of happiness and personal transformation. Acquiring research based knowledge, strategies, tools, and practices that will exponentially improve the way women see, perceive, and experience the world. 

Holly Boxenhorn

Personal Life Coach

June_Fake It

Week by week this course guides you toward:

  • Enhancing your capacity to navigate life’s highs & lows
  • Deepening your confidence, self-compassion and self-respect
  • More freedom to show up as who and how you really are
  • Greater certainty in your self-development, purpose, and potential
  • Busting loose from comparison, opinions, and approval of others
  • Clarity on where and how to organize your time and energy to reap “best” rewards
  • Improved mood, mindset, & outlook
  • Squashing negative self-talk and judgement sabotaging possibilities
  • Finding greater ability to balance the needs of others along with your own
  • More conscious, healthy, supportive choices
  • Quieting fears and unknowns pulling away from productivity, presence, and calm
  • Living in ways that work for YOU, reclaiming your energy and vitality

This course is NOT a quick fix approach to wellness. Rather designed to be both a launching pad as well as a home base to return back to over and over again refining YOUR process with the understanding nothing comes overnight. In truth, greater happiness and success is a life long journey not a destination.

Experience Holly’s Passion

“Being a very skeptical and wary person, I reluctantly agreed to join friends in a small group meeting with a life coach. It turned out to be a wonderful decision.”

The program Holly utilizes is so well structured and effective. With every session Holly imparts her knowledge with both passion and compassion. It is never an easy thing to take a good hard look at yourself and your life, but Holly gently guides you through it with a hands-on approach. This is not sitting on a therapist’s couch and answering questions: Holly has you take action and do exercises that apply to your real life. I have been going to Holly for over two years, both in the group setting and some individual sessions. In that time I know how much this has changed my life for the better, but it is also interesting to note that I have also witnessed the growth and change in my friends in many amazing ways!! Always reluctant to use cliches, I have to say that Holly “walks the talk.” She does not only teach her method, but lives and breathes it and shares herself and her experiences with you. Anyone who can help me overcome my Internal Roadblocks, Limiting Beliefs and Negative Self-Talk, just to name a few, is someone I am very grateful to.
Thank you so much Holly.
Allison K.

How It Works


Tour the Program

Click here to read a week by week synopsis of how we will build your ability to experience more joy and less angst.

Note: Early Bird Offering-Those who register before August 21st will get two private coaching sessions in addition to the original cost of this program!


Chat with Holly

Let’s chat to review your objectives and the details of The Science of Happiness Simplified. Call 631-827-3402 or send me a note below.

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Register & Pay

This is a limited time offer of $395.00.

The first Group will begin the week of September 21st and will end week of November 16th. Additional dates to be announced. Please fill in the registration form below. Once submitted you will be taken to the Payment Page.

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Extras Included!

  • In addition to 9 weekly, 60 minute on-line classes, optional office hours (also provided on-line thru zoom) and a private Facebook Group will be made available to all participants for extra support, encouragement, and accountability.
  • All live gatherings will be recorded should life get in the way and you miss “class” or should you want to reflect back on curriculum specifics. Please note though that your attendance is a BIG part of the experience and the results you’ll get.
  • You’ll be provided with many resources; tools, exercises, strategies, relevant readings, tedtalks, podcast episodes, etc.. throughout the nine weeks we are together and yours to keep to return back to over and over.

Looking forward to working with you,
because Happiness matters!