Thoughts On Creating New Beginnings

 April 2015 Insights

Spring has sprung! It’s a great time to embrace new beginnings. All around us we witness an awakening of our surroundings, bringing us the perfect climate, literally and figuratively, to create fresh starts and renew our existences. For me spring time screams the inevitability that nothing stays the same. Even though we often feel as if the winter will never end, we suddenly see a budding flower or experience our first warm weather day, reminding us that life is truly cyclical and that all experiences, positive or negative, come to pass. However, unlike the natural ease of the changing seasons, most people don’t strive for new beginnings nor exercise their power to create them.

new_beginnings_1Agreeably, because of the unknowns it may come with, creating new beginnings can be scary and seemingly “risky”. Making it seem easier just to accept the status quo, playing it safe and quite possibly even miserable circumstances.Though many people may not like where they are at the moment (i.e. job, relationships, health, self-esteem), their circumstances are familiar to them and predictable, keeping them from harms way of any “failed” attempts in securing more for themselves. The fear of making a wrong decision or experiencing defeat  can paralyze many of us, squashing our greater happiness and success in life. But why do we have to mistakenly view “failed” experiences or as I prefer to think of it as living and learning, as a negative commentary on our worthiness? What if we could instead view those  experiences we describe as “setbacks”more in terms of indicators of further self-growth, gained wisdom and take pride in ourselves for making efforts to go for what it is we want in our lives. So yes maybe the first time out, quite possibly the 2nd, 3rd or even 10th, we don’t nail down our aspirations. But that’s the gift in creating new beginnings, being able to build even better endings!  Consider these inspirational thoughts on creating new beginnings…..

  • Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. -Henry Ford
  • If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying down. Mary Pickford
  • When one door closes another door opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which are open for us. -Alexander Graham Bell
  • You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. Author Unknown
  • Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. -Alan Cohen

So very true, I particularly love that last quote! Just like the budding spring time flowers struggling to bloom during the last few days of a winter’s frost, everyday is another opportunity to get it right  as long you choose to begin again. Choose today to embrace the power of new beginnings, let the fear of failure go and know there are no stumbling blocks, just stepping stones.


Always Wishing You Well
