by Holly Boxenhorn | May 1, 2018 | Blog
Too Many Directions, Too Many Decisions,
Too Little Time…oh my!
Finding balance in this face-paced, overloaded world is a challenge many woman have. We are distracted and pulled in many directions. Our dedication and commitment to others often overrides our ability to take care of ourselves. We are constantly on the run, feeling the pressure to manage it all! If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you’re not alone! Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy that life can feel like a three-ring circus. Let’s take a moment in this month’s post and examine our life where it is right now. Is it balanced or does it seem some areas of your life needs more attention than it has been getting? Check out the “quiz” below to see how well you are meeting responsibilities, while also recognizing and fulfilling personal wants and needs. (more…)
by Holly Boxenhorn | Dec 1, 2017 | Blog
Reclaim Your Time!
December 2017
As we move into the height of the holiday season, notably a time-consuming month and lending nicely to last month’s post on “Shifting The Pressure of Time”, I’d thought it be helpful to take December’s newsletter to explore the two biggest pitfalls women fall prey to resulting in valuable loss of their time…overcommitting and failing to manage distractions. (more…)
by Holly Boxenhorn | Nov 2, 2017 | Blog
Shifting The Pressure Of Time
November 2017
If I were to ask any woman to identify the most prevalent roadblock preventing them from obtaining what it is they want in and for their lives they likely would say time, that is that they don’t have enough time. To a certain extent this is true, as we can’t change the fact that we each only have 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week, and 365 days in a year to utilize to our best of our abilities. Learning how to manage our time most effectively clearly rates high as a skill most successful women would agree is a necessity worthy of acquiring. However, in this month’s post, I’d like to look beyond just the skills required in organizing our time and consider the perceptions through which we view the use of our time so that we can actually shift the pressure of time to work for us rather than against. (more…)
by Holly Boxenhorn | Oct 2, 2017 | Blog
Keys To Successful Leadership
October 2017 Insights
We all lead, either by choice or default. Leadership is the ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others into taking positive and sustainable action. Whether you are a high level executive at a Fortune 500 company trying to negotiate a corporate buy out, on the board of your school district’s PTA organizing and recruiting for a fundraiser, an owner of a local bakery who would like to encourage her customers to use her services more often, or a coach just like me working with all of them, it’s crucial to understand that each person is a leader, or at least a leader in the making. If you don’t think of yourself as a leader, you are limiting your potential. Leading is the way we help people move into action, ourselves moreover. The question is not whether or not we are leaders, but how well we lead.
by Holly Boxenhorn | Oct 13, 2014 | Blog
Strategies On Creating Effective Change
October 2014 Insights
There’s no season like autumn that screams the reality that change is inevitable. With the temperature dropping, days getting shorter and leaves turning bright colors of red, orange and yellow- fall seems like the perfect time of year to celebrate the powerful benefits of CHANGE. Yet understandable, effecting positive change doesn’t generally come easy. Rather it requires work, a conscious effort and a true willingness to push oneself out of their comfort zone. That is why so many of us shutter at the mere mention of the word change. Leaving the familiar to embrace the unknown can be a scary endeavor. So in support of a more opportunistic stance on change I’d like to take this month’s Keys To Success Insights and share some key strategies that I believe enhance its process and ease the challenges that accompanies it. (more…)