Discover The Live2Thrive Process

Discover The Live2Thrive Process

Women’s Empowerment Coach…what is that exactly?

 September 2014 Insights

Though all of you who read my newsletters know I am a women’s self-empowerment life coach who specializes in working with women ready to step out and live life to the fullest, many are still unsure of how I actually do this. So I thought I’d take this month’s Keys To Success Insights and share more specifically what my coaching program is all about and how it assists women to tap into their potential, break thru their life plateaus and create a life that is truly thriving. (more…)

#1 Roadblock To Greater Success…Time! – Part II

#1 Roadblock To Greater Success…Time! – Part II

Assessing How You Spend Time And Your Skills To Manage It 

January 2013 Insights

Happy New Year everyone! Based on the feedback I received from last months Keys to Success insights, many of you took advantage of the Values Clarification exercise I made available to you on my website. It seems a lot of you made the connection to managing your time more effectively by considering  what is truly important to you. I personally have my top 5 core values written on a sticky note I keep attached to my computer. I refer to it often to help make both big and small decisions in my life. But more importantly I check in with it weekly, to make sure my values are in alignment with how I allocate my time daily. This helps to provide me with the emotional buy-in I sometimes need to motivate me to stay on task. Introspectively this makes sense but we can’t dismiss the other essential ingredients also important to successful time management.  (more…)