Greater Happiness & Success
The Secret To Thriving
May 2017 Insights
It’s not as hard as some would think. Yes, agreed life is challenging and often times complicated and downright messy but with the right “tools” and of course mindset every woman can live a life with greater ease and purpose. Going back many newsletters ago I referenced a great coaching tool called the Wheel of Life (can be seen below and available on my website to print out under the link titled Valuable Downloads), this wheel highlights 8 aspects of one’s life. Now working over 6 years as a women’s empowerment coach, I am able to confirm and know that the happiest and most successful women are those that attend to most aspects indicated on that wheel (a minimum of 6). Even if for some, those aspects, only consume an hour or two within their week. The objective here is to be present, “show up”, in as many of those “slices” of that wheel as possible. It’s not so much how much time one commits to these aspects but more importantly that they do. (more…)