

What’s Your Idea Of A Thriving Woman’s Life

 January2016 Insights

I know…I know you’ve all heard me say it before but really I can’t say it enough and what better time than the new year to ask once again, HOW DO YOU WANT TO SHOW UP IN YOUR LIFE? As you all know I often like to take my monthly newsletters to put a different spin on the value of knowing how to advance ourselves to best be able to put our greatest efforts into the areas of our lives that will truly have the most significant impact on our well-being. (more…)

Dynamic Communication-Part II

Dynamic Communication-Part II

Hearing vs. Listening

 August 2015 Insights

In last month’s Keys to Success Insights I shared one of my favorite go to life coaching tools….creating a core message. Though the value in taking the time to establish this is a key element to enhanced communication, the skill of listening is truly the most important part of effective communication. Let’s face it, if we fail to understand what others are expressing to us, we will also fail in providing a meaningful response. (more…)

Dynamic Communication

Dynamic Communication

How Do You Want To Show Up?

 July 2015 Insights

We all are familiar with the proverbial saying, “It is not what you say but it is how you say it that counts most.” Conversations take place at all levels of energy, we either are inspired and bought in or turned off and drained by them. Though effective communication seems like an ability that comes easy to some people it is actually a learned skill, that with cultivation can be acquired by anyone. So how do we go from maybe just being an ordinary communicator to a dynamic communicator? (more…)

Is It Spring Yet?

Is It Spring Yet?


 Spring Fever!

 March 2015 Insights

Is it spring yet? It seems many will agree, March is one of the most challenging months of the year. Thirty-one days of yet still cool temps keeping us mostly indoors, bare trees and still less daylight hours, can even get the best of us down. The “winter blues” can hit us particularly hard this time of the year. Hence, it’s no wonder we lose sight of those goals we set forth for ourselves back in January. (more…)

Discover The Live2Thrive Process

Discover The Live2Thrive Process

Women’s Empowerment Coach…what is that exactly?

 September 2014 Insights

Though all of you who read my newsletters know I am a women’s self-empowerment life coach who specializes in working with women ready to step out and live life to the fullest, many are still unsure of how I actually do this. So I thought I’d take this month’s Keys To Success Insights and share more specifically what my coaching program is all about and how it assists women to tap into their potential, break thru their life plateaus and create a life that is truly thriving. (more…)