How To Discover What You Really Need

How To Discover What You Really Need

Time To Take A Step Back 

Well, here we are, in the grip of the holiday season. And as you wander round the store, blinded by glitter and lights…

And tick off the endless list of decorating the house, gift wrapping, writing cards and juggling family, it’s no shocker if you’re feeling more than a little —


Tired of the hustle…

Tired of the pressure to do everything, be everything: Matriarch of your family. Superwoman to your friends. CEO of your life… 

Well, if that resonates, let me tell you: you’re not alone. 

I think we can all agree that the events of the last few years—pandemic, healthcare, remote social relationships (not to mention the recession) have left us tired, frayed and fractured. 

And here’s the honest truth…

I don’t know any woman right now, who’s where she thought she’d be. Any woman who hit her business goals (or personal ones for that matter!)

Yep. It’s been a tough year for most of us. But while money goals are important, the truth is they’re also secondary…

Secondary to true wellness, happiness, and having a multi-dimensional, holistic approach to your life. 

And that’s where the Wheel of Life comes in…

Now, the Wheel of Life is a renowned and respected coaching tool, in part because it’s so valuable, simple and doable. 

It will help you:  

>> Reflect on where to start—so you have a baseline when setting goals

 >> Identify what’s important to you in life (and likewise, what’s not)

>> Pinpoint what’s sapping your energy. What you should pay attention to—and what you can let go of.

Ready to get started? << DOWNLOAD YOUR WHEEL OF LIFE HERE >>

So, how does it work?

Well, it takes 8 key aspects of your life—from finances to family and friends—and asks you to rate them on a level of satisfaction from 1-10.

Then, when you connect the dots, you have a clear (if bumpy!) picture of where your gaps are, what you’ve left on the back burner, and what may be less important to you.

And this is crucial, because as we know, life never runs smoothly—and neither does the Wheel of Life. (In fact if your wheel is a perfect, wide circle of ‘10’ under each category, I’d suggest you may not be being entirely honest with yourself…)

Now, when you have your wheel I’d urge you to take a step back and consider:

  • Which areas need your attention?
  • How have your priorities shifted? 
  • What dynamic could be limiting you, even if it seems less important?

Because the first step is to discover what you need—before you can make it happen.     


Rooting for you,



P.S. If you’d like to take this one step further and unpack your results with me, all details of how we can work together are right here. Nothing would make me happier than to put you back on the path to true wellness. 











































































Seeing Is Believing

Seeing Is Believing

Powerful Benefits Of Vision Boarding 

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking “vision board”, really?! Or at least that’s what I thought when I was asked to do one in a most recent self-development coaching program I participated in a few weeks ago. Yep, the coach gets coached…always trying to walk the talk. But when the facilitator suggested doing a vision board, boy oh boy did I have resistance. I thought to myself, she’s got to be kidding me, how do you ask people in the middle of a pandemic, having no certainty as to what the future will bring, to do a vision board? Yet, in the spirit of embracing my willingness to take this crazy time of our lives and leverage it for the good, I pushed through and began my quest in collecting words, images, and photos that embodied a vision that has now stoked a fire within me, crystallizing goals and direction that has me excited even during these unsettling times.

Visioning as a whole is a well revered coaching strategy used to assist clients in actualizing their hopes, dreams, and desires. According to research, brain imagery works because neurons in our brains transmit information and interpret imagery as equivalent to a real-life action. When we visualize an act, the brain generates an impulse that creates a new neural pathway – clusters of cells in our brain that work together to create memories or learned behaviors – that primes our body to act in a way consistent to what we imagined. All of this occurs without actually performing the physical activity, yet it achieves a similar result. And then there is the law of attraction, stating that by seeing in your minds eye what it is you want in and for your life as well as feel the feelings of having those things, will attract opportunities to you that will then bring those things forward.

Of course visualization does not guarantee our greater success and happiness as that will only come as a result of hard work, practice, and a commitment to align daily with those action steps that support our desired outcomes. But when combined with diligent effort and, I would add, a strong support network, it is a powerful way to achieve positive, behavioral change and create the life you desire.

Besides, now with most of us still having some extra time on our hands, what do we have to lose with taking some time to clarify those future experiences that will bring meaning and fulfillment into our lives. Taking a look at last month’s blog post where I shared the Wheel of Life and Core Values Clarification exercises, think about those aspects of your life you may want to start focusing on more and imagine it is some point in the future (perhaps a year or more) and you are living your ideal life. 

Ask yourself…

1st: How do your days start? Where are you? What are you doing? What is different (or maybe not) about how you ideally begin your days?

2nd: Now moving into your day’s activities, where are you going, what are you doing, and more importantly how do you feel?

If you are working– Describe your work environment. How does your space look? What kind of work are you doing? What skills, strengths, talents are you using? What are you learning? What do you spend most of your time on? What is energizing and fulfilling about your work? How is it different from your current reality? Who are you working with? What are those relationships like?

If you’re not working- Describe how you are spending your days. Where are you? What are the components of your day? What gifts and talents are you using? Who are you encountering? What experiences are you having? What are you learning or exploring? What makes you feel good about yourself and your life?

3rd: As you end the day, describe your routine. How do you wind down? How do you transition from your day activities into the end-of-the day routine? Who are you with? What is pleasant and important? Where do you spend time at the end of the day? What routine or practices have you implemented to ensure this part of your day goes as you wish? What is different about how you end your day compared to your current reality?

4th: Before you retire for the day, look back on the day with gratitude and appreciation. Consider what may you be particularly grateful for? What is filling your life with satisfaction, joy, and ease? Who are the people that are making a positive impact on your life? How are you positively affecting others’ lives? How has the quality of your life improved?

Let these answers inform and inspire you, make yourself a cup of tea or pour yourself a glass of wine and start gathering images and pictures that represent your vision for your life or simply just an area of your life. You’ll need a piece of poster board, scissors, glue/tape, magazines or other sources of words and pictures, possibly markers or any other decorative art supplies. It may be easier to create your vision board over the course of a couple of days where you first collect images you’ll want to include and then settling down to arrange them on the board.

Once you complete the vision board be sure to find a space for it where you can look at it often. It’s from there when we can then start creating goals that not only have extrinsic value (i.e. fame, fortune, power, and love) but most importantly intrinsic; identifying goals that are consistent with who we are, what lights us up, and coming from a place of choice. And studies do support that when we exert effort pursuing goals that are close to our heart, we lock in with more conviction to see them through as well as enjoy the journey of its pursuit and moreover complete satisfaction of its attainment.

Love to see your vision board creations…

Wishing You The Best Of Success

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All Goals Are Not Created Equal

All Goals Are Not Created Equal

The Art of Powerful Goal Setting

Why does it go wrong so often? Why do people set goals that they fail to bring to fruition? Or, even more interesting: Why do people continue to express a feeling of lack even after they complete or achieve goals? Well, truth be told not all goals are created equal. There is actually a skillfulness behind setting goals that go the distance. Mindlessly setting and even effectively achieving goals in and of itself will not be enough to derive the outcomes we hope to achieve when we originally set them. Rather, it is in the skillfulness of creating goals that not only have extrinsic value (i.e. fame, fortune, power, and love) but most importantly intrinsic; identifying goals that are consistent with who we are, what lights us up, and coming from a place of choice.

Bottomline, when we exert effort pursuing goals that are close to our heart, we lock in with more conviction to see them through. Thus, a greater likelihood to attain a goal as well as enjoy the journey of its pursuit and complete satisfaction of it’s attainment while securing  sustainment and quiet possibly further accomplishment. Why because these goals coordinate with our true selves, self-concordant goals infuse our life with purpose and simply said make us happier.

There are 3 basic conditions to powerful goal setting, I refer to them as the 3 A’s…

  1. Affection – goals that you are passionate about, doing things you like to do, that serve a bigger purpose. For example, getting fit and healthy not just to lose weight and inches  but to provide more energy so you can keep up with your kids or manage health risks. 
  2. Authenticity – engaging in goals that are aligned with how you see yourself, your personality, and what’s most important to you. Not Susie down the block or your mom’s take on things or for that matter the latest social media feed.
  3. Autonomy – pursuing goals out of our own personal conviction, coming from a place of choice and freedom.

But of course applying the 3 A’s isn’t that simply, thus where in resides the crux of the problem and why so many of us find ourselves on the proverbial hamster wheel of life. Setting out with the best of intentions to develop self-concordant goals won’t be enough, we need to first get clear on our true authentic self, learn or rediscover what we are passion about, and identify the aspects of our lives that currently hold the most meaning to us. A great place to start is with my complimentary workbook, Discover Your Internal Compass. I created it for this very reason, bringing together many tools and explorations I’ve used over the years to help women secure and lean into powerful goal setting…download it today for free on my website.

Wishing You Always The Very Best Of Success 
