Don’t F* with us!
Independence Day??
Okay ladies, so this month’s blog is a little different.
Whether in my work—or convos we’ve had in person—I’m sure you’ve heard me talk about the fallout for us Gen X women…
>> Mothers who didn’t have much. Who pushed us to achieve and accomplish—all the while, painting their nails to the theme tune of Dallas…
>> Those Enjoli ads, who taught us to fry up his bacon and ‘never forget he’s a man…’
We were taught to take it to excess. Prove ourselves. You can have it all. Crazy, it was exhausting.
But one thing’s for sure…whether picketing for women’s rights—or picking up our daughters from school—we were damn sure (as Bob Dylan would say) the times, they were a’changing.
Well, how f*cking wrong I was…
Fast forward 40 years and where are we exactly?
In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, a seismic shift has ripped through America. I feel a little like Alice stepping through her Looking Glass… we’ve tumbled through 50 years of history—and woken up, back in shackles.
My mother’s generation fought for us in a man’s world. And sure, I work in the helping profession—an undoubtedly female dominated industry—but I’ve heard crazy ass stories from women of the things men have said and done as they climbed the corporate ladder.
Because, honestly? Women’s rights had changed, but cast your mind back… On the ground, day-to-day what did that really mean? Think about the level of objectification we’d endured—and overcome.
And so, the pendulum changed course. #MeToo was huge. A landmark that uncovered sexual assaults in so many organizations across America. Now we were gaining some traction—and they’d never let us get away with that.
Like jackals these ignorant conservative men, these religious supremacists, kept to the shadows. They hide where they can—and pounce in the dark, with one collective thought: We’re gonna take back control.
And pulled out the big guns…
So, Roe vs Wade? It’s about power. Control. And crushing our human spirit.
Here’s what I know to be true…
This is an awakening for women. We won’t just sit down and shut up. We are not going to lay down and take it.
You’ve unearthed something within us.
And here’s my message to this disgusting sociopathic, demographic of men: Do not fuck with us. You are not going to change us. We are on fire—and our flame will not be put out.
Because… we’re more rallied, educated and equipped than ever before. And how do I know this to be true? I work with these women everyday! Powerful women who make a big difference everywhere they go—whether it’s a Fortune 500, or as the matriarch of their families.
We’re still climbing that ladder—we’re showing our place more than ever— and we’re ready to put a stake in the ground, step over that line and say, enough is enough.
As I write this, 7 states in America have blocked abortion, with a further 21 threatening, or likely to impose severe restrictions.
Sure like you, I may be past childbearing age, but ladies, let’s not kid ourselves that this doesn’t affect us. And nor is this about being white and wealthy enough to drive our daughters across state for an abortion…
It’s about a medieval reduction of a woman to the contents of her womb. The denial of autonomy over our own self.
So, please… don’t give me the Fourth of July.
‘Independence’ Day. It’s unnerving.
Ask yourself, is it a good time to be an American—in this divided country? It’s as if we were in Civil War, each state operating independently of the others. We’re not united at all, we’re an embarrassment.
Not just going backwards, we’re in a freefall.
Our divisions have carved up this ‘land of the free’. All those underground, fueled by extremism and bigotry, have clawed their way to the top—for now.
Because we will not be silenced.
So, how do you plan to spend your weekend? I’d love to know. I can’t be the only one not popping champagne, wincing at the fireworks, chilling in the backyard with a good book.
In over 50 years I have never felt this way before…
And that’s why I’m writing this call to arms.
Because, ladies, we’ve seen a lot and we’ve gotten our rights. We’ve found our voices. Every decade we’ve gotten stronger, and we will not be silenced.
This is an unearthing.
And THAT will never change.
P.S. How does Wade vs Roe affect you? Are you enraged? In tears? Choosing not to think about it? Know this: here is a safe space for all your pain and frustrations. Please hit reply—I’ll always respond.
P.P.S. If you’re compelled to act, or find out more on the supreme court’s decision and the implications it has for ALL of us, here are some resources to get you started:
Give/Donate: Local Abortion Funds in every state
Act: Tell Joe Biden: Open Abortion Clinics on Federal Lands
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