2020…Setting The Stage!

2020…Setting The Stage!

The Power Of Visualization

Alright everyone…here we are, HELLO 2020! So what’s it gonna be this year? Though I’m not a big fan of new year resolutions, I am a huge advocate for setting the stage and believe immensely in the power of positive visualization. In fact every morning, upon awakening I take the first 15 minutes of my day to envision the next 24 hours. Literally, going hour by hour, imagining and designing action steps that align with how I want to show up and experience the day. Naturally, some days are harder then others. But the second part of this two step visualization process-designing the action steps of the day-give me the clarity and direction I need to build in the greatest likelihood for success.  Of course, there are plenty of days when I’m feeling more overwhelmed or rather uninspired by what lies ahead. But make no mistake the power of suggestion goes a long way, it is now a well known fact that we stimulate the same brain regions when we visualize an action and when we actually perform that same action. Brain studies have shown that positive mental imagery “primes” our brains for success. 

On a bigger level, every new year I take pen to paper and return to one of my most trusted practices I learned back in 2010 when I was first just a student at iPEC (Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching) pursuing my coaching certification. It is a visualization exercise in which I imagine it is one year from now (Dec 31, 2020) and what I aspire for is actually occurring. I then proceed to consider all aspects of my life; personal development, career, health/wellness, intimate/social/professional relationships, parenting, fun/enjoyment, even spiritual wellbeing and paint a picture of what I like to see. Essentially, I design a vision that is exciting, purposeful and fulfilling, one that I find inspiring. I ask myself:

  • What am I doing? (In all the above stated aspects of life)
  • With whom am I doing it with?
  • What am I feeling?
  • How much income am I earning?
  • How much fun am I having?
  • What difference am I making, personally and professionally, in the world?

Ultimately, using this exercise to create a vision of what I aspire to be, feel, and experience in the new coming year. This process, of seeing and even feeling a new improved self in all aspects of my life allows me to then develop life objectives that support this vision, helping me break it all down into specific goals that lead me to my desired destination by years end. This exercise has become one of the most favored amongst my clients, not only promoting clarity in their goal setting but accountability as we use it as a tool to check in with to help them stay on track and develop necessary action plans and task driven work in order they be able to obtain what it is they want in and for their lives.

The most important thing to remember when doing this exercise is that not everything is written in stone, there needs to be some level of flexibility, however, not at the risk of losing sight of our vision. Remember, there is never an end state to self-development, greater success and happiness is always a work in progress but without a vision it is very hard to find direction. As the most revered book states “Where There Is No Vision The People Perish.” PROVERBS  29:18

Wishing Everyone A Very Happy New Year
















Empowering Your Relationships

Empowering Your Relationships

The Third Entity

February 2018 Insights

In honor of Valentines Day, I’d like to take February’s newsletter to reflect upon enhancing our relationships. Agreeably, Valentines Day has now become a holiday that tends to be more of an excuse to generate maximum profit of flowers/candy/jewelry while often spotlighting for many of us what’s not working so well in some of our relationships. However, with all that being said, none of us live in a bubble, relationships are all around us. Think about your life at home and at work. In virtually every moment of our lives, we are in relationship with significant others, co-workers, friends, family and moreover ourselves. Our lives are a web of connecting relationships. Nurturing and growing positive relationships while effectively managing draining, negative relationships are undeniably a vital aspect that needs to be addressed to ensure greater well-being and success in all areas of our lives. (more…)

Who Are You Being?

Who Are You Being?

Part II

Living Life Authentically

February 2017 Insights

Since February is the month we are reminded most of our relationships with the holiday of Valentines day being celebrated, I thought I’d take this perfect opportunity to expand on last month’s post “Living Life Authentically” and explore more about who we are and how we show up within the different roles (relationships) we play. Whether it be within our relationships with our peers, romantic partners, colleagues, children, even ourselves, being authentic sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. With so many ideals shared through social media and limiting beliefs we’ve taken on through the years, being something we are not or presenting ourselves in a way that isn’t true to ourselves can leave us feeling rather drained and unsatisfied within our relationships. (more…)





Are they lifting your spirits up or dragging you down?

February 2014 Insights

What better month to write about the importance of cultivating healthy relationships than February, the month we celebrate Valentines Day. The quality of our personal relationships has an enormous impact on our mental, emotional and physical well-being. Think about it, unless you are shipwrecked on a deserted island, most of us are involved in numerous types of relationships. These relationships may include romantic, friends, parents, children, siblings, coworkers, neighbors, mentors/teachers and of course the often forgotten about relationship with ourselves.

How we chose to experience our relationships can determine our level of happiness. Yet many of us never stop to consider whether as a whole our relationships lift our spirits up or drag us down. I’d like to take some time in this Month’s Key’s to Success Insights and identify those qualities that typically make up a healthy relationship while also make some suggestions on how to better manage those relationships that drain us. (more…)