Jumpstart Your New Year

Jumpstart Your New Year

Your 2019 Priorities

Wow, it’s hard to believe another year is almost in the books! Time to do some reflecting and planning. I know everyone is likely crazy busy with holiday prep and festivities. But that’s all the more reason to find some downtime to grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine, set yourself up in a  comfortable environment where you will feel relaxed and focused to do this month’s suggested activity. It is a twist on a coaching tool shared in past newsletters and found on my website under Valuable Downloads, called the Wheel of Life. But this time rather then rate your level of satisfaction in each of the provided aspects on the wheel, I want you to now draw your own wheel, divide it up into 6 even pie-like slices and determine those areas YOU want to focus on for the next year (see image attached).

Some examples might be: finances, romantic relationship, renovating/organizing a house, writing a book, health and exercise, career, paying it forward, family, creativity, fun/enjoyment, etc. Then from there write 5 measurable and obtainable goals you can accomplish under each category. So for example, under creativity one might write: take an art class from a local university. Or for paying it forward: volunteer at local animal shelter or maybe donate clothing no longer worn. You get the picture, just be specific and make sure you can see results at the end of the year.

This exercise was recently introduced to me through a colleague. He came across it in a book called Reboot Your Life: Energize Your Career and Life by Taking a Break. The book goes on to suggest selecting one goal from each category that is most important for you to accomplish and start first with those. I love this activity mostly because it can really help create the change we want in our lives and bring it back to harmony and balance by providing a focus on our priorities (not others) while serving as a great reference tool to keep us accountable. Keep in mind it’s not about attaining everything in our circle but more about honoring what it is we want to see happen in and for our lives in the next coming year and then having that down in black and white. This way we not only have a jumpstart to the new year but a plan to boot with actionable steps in place!

Best of Success & HappyHolidays!


Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Mastery Mindset…

The Essential Key To Success

September 2017 Insights

Newsletter after newsletters after newsletter, I have spent the past six years sharing a host of insights and considerations all in an effort to support women in their endeavors to obtain and sustain a life they love living. However, I’ve neglected to address the heart and soul from where I believe greater success and happiness is truly rooted…the cultivation of a mastery mindset. (more…)

FEAR…the monster under our beds

FEAR…the monster under our beds

Live LifeMore Fearlessly

April 2017 Insights

Fear is something with which most of us are well-acquainted with. People are afraid of dying, of being injured, and of being alone since we were created. Though most people would argue that external events and people are what cause us to feel fearful it is actually our thoughts about our external experiences that create our fears. The worries (thoughts) that keep us awake at night, hold us back from opportunities each day. Of course, there are situations that rightfully cause us fear (for example, it is perfectly reasonable to be afraid if you are facing someone with a gun pointed at you) but most of the things that we fear are not life threatening. (more…)

What’s Your EQ…not your IQ?

What’s Your EQ…not your IQ?

Components To A Strong EI

March 2017 Insights

You’ve heard me make references to the term EQ before…more commonly I use the abbreviation EI, Emotional Intelligence. For years, a person’s “Intelligence Quotient” or IQ, was thought to determine how successful they would be. But it turns out, not so much! In todays fast paced, overloaded, challenging world, it seems our ability to manage our emotions and get along with others is the single biggest predictor to greater success than anything else. So naturally as a women’s empowerment coach I’m all about increasing one’s EI for two reason’s…enhancing one’s wellbeing and goal achievement. (more…)

Trusting The Process

Trusting The Process

“All Great Achievements Require Time”

 -Maya Angelou-

December 2016 Insights

“Trust the process”….we’ve all heard the expression before. But what does that even mean? For some that statement in and of itself seems intangible, a rather uncomfortable concept to accept. While others may view it as a cop-out, irresponsible, and lacking a proactive stance. However, it really is quite the opposite. For me, the concept of trusting the process is best captured in Maya Angelou famous quote, “All great achievements require time”. hold_the_visionMeaning in essence, everything and everyone are all a work in progress. No one sets out to do less then they are capable of doing in the current circumstances they’re in. No one ever intentionally sets out to make a mistake, “fail”, experience a less than desirable outcome. Trusting the process is living and learning but with faith in oneself that when the process we commit to is not getting us where we want, we have the opportunity to learn from that process and then modify or change it accordingly.

4 Main Concepts To Trusting the Process

• We always do the best we can and nothing else.

• Understanding that“bumps  in the road ”are a part of the process.

• Knowing that all experiences have value. So even if things don’t“go your way”, you can always learn a lesson in what has occurred.

• To be totally committed to a plan of action and follow it through.

• Knowing there is always opportunity to make modifications and/or changes to that plan should it not create an optimal outcome.


As this year comes to an end and we reflect upon all we did and didn’t accomplish, have no regrets, give thanks for the learning and usefulness this year has brought. Welcome what 2017 will bring us, trust the process and remember you will always know more than you did yesterday!

Wishing You The Best Of Success
