3 Step Secret To Guaranteed Success…

3 Step Secret To Guaranteed Success…

It’s Easier Than You Think! 

Picture this… 

You’re 52—and finally met the man of your dreams. He’s kind, generous, and with 3 sons, it’s your chance to build the family you always longed for. 

You had an incredible wedding, and those two weeks in Paris were simply… *Sigh*

But, back home, when the confetti settles, and he carries you over the threshold? You’re backdown to earth with a jolt.

Because, your husband’s boys resent you. 

They turn away when you speak to them…

And while you never wanted to take the place of their mother, you’re locked into the fear that they could achieve exactly what they set out to do—and drive a wedge between you and your husband. 

‘Hardly the Brandy Bunch’ you think with irony. 

But, the truth is, all those fears you can’t think straight, and cannot see how to resolve this. 

Well, that was Monica’s story. And talking this through in one of our sessions, I knew she needed only one thing… 

The ABC Gameplan. 

Now, the ABC Gameplan is all based around one central premise: success no matter what. 

It’s perfect if you have an all-or-nothing mentality—or in those scenarios when you find fear, uncertainty or plan old procrastination stopping you from making those decisions crucial to your well being.

>> Want to wake up each morning and go for a run? 

>> Need to look for a new job, but just cannot find the time? 

>> Want to find a way to heal a relationship with your spouse’s children—or anyone in your life? 

You need the ABC Gameplan. 

And here’s how it works… 

First, break down any objective into 3 possible outcomes:

  1. Plan A: the ideal situation you want from any scenario. 
  2. Plan B (or your backup plan…)
  3. Plan C: your safety net, or the bare minimum you need to succeed.

Here’s an example: 

Jesse, my daughter, phoned at 2am with terrible stomach cramps. We talked and talked, and after we decided what she should do next, I wound up laying there, mind racing, staring at the ceiling.

Now, you may remember how much I love to work out. But that morning I had zero desire to move my body… 

So, I started with the bare minimum! Pushups to see if I was in the mood. B? Lifting those weights. And before I knew it, I was on my A plan—and the Peloton with Robin Arzon.

Do you see what happened there? I gave myself grace to achieve the bare minimum—and that’s totally the point of the ABC Gameplan.

Now, it’s important to remember the ABC Gameplan is not all about hitting your A. In fact, usually you won’t because that perfectionist mindset will creep in.

But the crucial thing to remember is: progress over perfection.

Because here’s the deal… 

So many women I see are completely caught up in an all-or-nothing mentality—which in itself stops them from moving forward.

Maybe you feel this too?

But, understanding that there is a natural ebb and flow to success can help reduce what I call the ‘throwing the baby out with the bathwater’ syndrome… 

Or in other words, just because you feel frustrated, challenged or disappointed with your progress towards a particular goal, it doesn’t mean you should fall back into limiting beliefs—and throw in the towel.

So, what happened to Monica?

Well, more than anything she wanted to create a happy, unified family. So, she invited her stepsons over for dinner with her ABC Gameplan in mind…

And this is how that looked for her:

A: Enjoy dinner and spend time together. 

But Monica knew she couldn’t control their behavior—or a bunch of other influencers might get in the way. So…

B: To say to herself: ‘Okay, if it doesn’t go well, I’m not going to take what they say so personally.’ 

C: (Or, in other words if the sh*t hits the fan?) To know how to respond better next time… 

Now, I’d love to say Monica hit her A first time. But, in reality she couldn’t get past a wobbly C.

However, over time, the ABC Gameplan served her well. It helped her to keep her cool, and build those bridges with her stepsons. They appreciated her patience, and now, she’s slowly hitting her A… 

Want to take your ABC Gameplan to the next level? Grab my 10 Question Toolkit and ignite a midlife reboot.








Can you? Or can’t you?

Can you? Or can’t you?

Achieving Those Goals

Hey there!

It’s time to raise a belated glass to that elephant in the room… Goal Setting. 

Ewww, I know. Love it or hate it — setting goals is an undeniable step to success. 

Maybe you’re part of the shiny ‘New Year, New Me’ crowd. You’re still hard at the gym. You’re keeping up those dinner dates with girlfriends…

Perhaps, despite the symbolism of fresh starts and new beginnings, you prefer to eaaase yourself into a new year — mug in hand, lounging in the gorgeous cashmere sweater you finally treated yourself to in January’s sales. Bliss…

Or maybe you’re one of the 80% of resolution makers petering out as we now move into the first week of February…

Finding you’re beating yourself up already. (Pah! You know I don’t believe in guilt-trippin’ or shaming. We’re human. I’ve got your back.)

Last month, I talked through the numero uno secret you need to master in order to go the distance this year. The one thing that’s a game-changer for giving back clarity and making sure we’re firing on optimal levels. Missed it? You can read that post here.

This month, I’m going one step further. You’ll be leaning into your own energy. Being gentle with yourself. Learning how to trust — and make your internal dialogue work for you when it comes to goal setting.

So the question is — what are your goals for this year? 

And more importantly — do you think you can achieve them?

Because, truth is, there’s scientifically-validated wisdom in Henry Ford’s quip: whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.’

Or in other words, on a scale of 1–10, what confidence do you have that you’ve got what it takes to make your goals happen this time…

And, well stick?!

The study of Self-Efficacy (or the Science of Self-Confidence) is SUPER important in this.

It quite simply translates as: the belief that you can achieve what you set out to achieve.

And Albert Bandura — one of the most respected psychologists in the world — is one of its biggest proponents.

Bandura tells us there are 4 primary ways we can build on our own self-efficacy — and finally make our goals stick:

  1. Accomplishments. Specifically, your past successes. When did you last accomplish something that felt difficult — or even impossible? Reminding yourself of big and small wins from the past are HUGE ways to boost your current confidence. 

Create those wins, celebrate them. Build your self-image as someone who succeeds… And bring those past mastery experiences to mind when you’re facing current challenges.

  1. Social Modeling. Seeing someone else achieve the success YOU would like to achieve. Truth is, if they can do it, you can do it! Know that.

(Note: Don’t be envious of their success. Celebrate it!)

  1. Verbal Persuasion/Support. When someone tells you that you can achieve success, listen to them. This could be a coach, or supportive co-worker or friend. 

Better yet, persuade yourself through positive self-talk! Kindly challenge yourself as you would someone near or dear to you. 

  1. Act as if. This is a game-changer (and one I practice time after time). If you want to succeed, act like a successful person! Walk, talk, breathe, and carry yourself as if you’ve already achieved that which you aspire to be. 

You can read more about this in my past post here.

Lean into your energy. Listen to your past successes. Visualize your value: allow yourself to celebrate your wins when setting goals — and get ready to triumph.

Now ladies — strike that power pose and go get ‘em!



P.S. Before I leave you today, I’d LOVE for you to take a pen and paper and jot down the answers to these 4 questions:

  1. What’s a past success you can celebrate and build on — for future triumph?
  2. Who do you admire — who’s achieved something you’d love to have for yourself? Celebrate them! If they can do it, you can do it.
  3. Who’s your biggest cheerleader? And what supportive words do they share?
  4. When you’re at your best, how do you walk, talk, breathe and hold yourself? 

P.P.S  So, what are your goals for this year? Shoot me an email here. I’d love to know— and cheer you on as you rock them!   

And know that whenever you’re in doubt, that’s what I’m here for…

Discover A Superpower

Discover A Superpower

Know Your Why

Lending further to last months post on the value of using “reminders” to cultivate a consistent commitment to those things we desire most in our lives, along with a common theme I hear from many women regarding either a petering out or a lack of “oomph” to aggressively pursue their more challenging aspirations, I want to take this month’s post to share a powerful exercise on Knowing Your Why.

Trust me when I say this, it is not you! You don’t per se lack the willpower or capability to obtain those things you want more of in your life. Truth is, reaching our goals and then sustaining them is more about putting habits into place that will support them. We all know anything worth having doesn’t happen overnight and requires extra attention and effort to attain. This is where the power of knowing and having a strong “why” comes into play.

Life is crazy distracting, filled with many curveballs, making it so easy to fall off our path to raise our game. If we don’t get super clear about the value of our pursuits, we undoubtably will run short in obtaining them. Why would we ever push threw the discomfort of a hard conversation with our partner, wake up  early to fit in a workout, or chalk up a loss of a client to a lesson learned? Knowing both the positive things we will experience when reaching for our ideal self verse the negative consequences that will result should we abandon our goals is the superpower we all need to take ourselves to the next level. 


  “Knowing My Why”

Reflection Exercise  

 Brief Description of Your Aspiration:



-Positive Things I Will Experience As A Result                      –Negative Consequences Should I Give Up                          

 _____________________________________________                        __________________________________________

 _____________________________________________                        __________________________________________

 _____________________________________________                        __________________________________________

 _____________________________________________                         _________________________________________

 _____________________________________________                         _________________________________________

Ask Yourself:

-How is my life going to change if I follow through, most immediately and in the long run?

 -Consider the impact actualizing your goal will have on every aspect of your life: health/wellbeing,   relationships, finances, personal & professional development. 

Now, get your mind right, you know the the famous expression “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Growth is not a linear path, we zig up and we zig down. Of course it won’t be easy, be patient and compassionate with yourself as you would with a dear friend or your child. There’s no shaming nor should we let ourselves off the hook. We keep at it and always, always remember our WHY! 

P.S. On a side note, this exercise is also a great tool to determine whether or not the goals you are pursuing are truly worthwhile to you. So often we fall prey to setting goals that we think we “should” be acquiring when in actuality they aren’t really all that important to us nor do they align with who we genuinely are and what lights us up. 


 Wishing You Always The Best Of Success








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Key To Creating Positive Lasting Change

It’s no mystery that the things we repeatedly do are the things our brain and mind will continue to support and encourage. The more something is rehearsed or practiced, the stronger our neural connections will then become making positive behaviors more habitual in nature. Positive lasting change will occur within in our brains and then within our lives with consistent and intentional action steps that promote an optimal state of being. With all that being said, knowing this and actually doing this are two very different things. With our very busy and distracting lives; cultivating habits, thoughts, and behaviors that support our greater wellbeing, won’t come instinctually.

Let’s face it, in this fast paced world, if it’s not right in front of us, it’s likely not going to happen…thus why many of us rely on “to do” lists to remind us of where our attention needs to be. The same holds true with building in productive habits that aid our pursuit of greater happiness and success. If we want to instill more proactive behaviors we need to remind ourselves to do whatever it is we’re trying to align with until we become accustomed to it. Daily reminders are essential when it comes to creating the positive change we desire. They’re relatively simple to understand, fairly easy to implement, and the benefits from using them are almost immediate. Here are a few great ways to get started…. 

 5 Simple Ways To Use Reminders  

1.Technological RemindersHere’s where the distraction of technology works for us rather than against. Computers and our mobile phones make it possible to set up automatic reminders for just about anything. Desktop software like Outlook will pop up reminders on our computers, and most online services go an extra step and send reminders via email or SMS text message. Even just using the alarm on our mobile phones can be a great way to help us stop, hit pause for 10 minutes and attend to some rejuvenating self-care practices to infuse our energy, helping us to go the distance the rest of the day. Maybe some deep breathing exercises, a short meditation, taking some time to call someone near and dear to us, or possibly stepping outside to connect with nature, stretch our legs and walk around bit…all great habits that support greater wellbeing.

2.Tangible Reminders– The best reminders are related in some way to the behavior you want to produce and can take the form of a quote on the wall, a picture, a photograph, a work of art, powerful words or mantras placed on a post it. Or even a special bracelet or piece of jewelry that catches your attention and reminds you to be mindful of the positive behavior you want to produce.

3.Daily “To Be” Reminders– Are a record of those things that you would like to be reminded of on a daily basis, the values that you want to internalize and live by each day of your life. By using “Ideal Self Statements” (i.e I am calm and present in the here and now, I embrace a growth mindset” ) that capture the attitudes and behaviors that are first, most important to you personally and, second, that you want to be reminded of. Your “To Be” List so to say rather then to do list.  It’s suggested to come up with at least 3 and no more than 5 along with starting with 3 deep breaths before reading each out loud to yourself daily.

4. Specific Reminders-focus on a particular aspect of life that you want to work on and improve—a challenge you’re facing or an area where you want to grow. Start by writing down a single sentence that captures whatever it is that you want to work on. The sentence, ideally, should be stated positively, in present tense, and inspire a sense of purpose (i.e. I am a confident and authentic public speaker). Then elaborate in three or four sentences what that single sentence means to you. Spend a few minutes each day to go over your Specific Reminder, read it closely and deliberately at least once through, and then if you feel the need to do so, modify and refine the text.

5. Mini Reminders-is a sequence of words (i.e.calm, confident, authentic) that embody how you want to feel most times. The words may draw from your Daily Reminders, Specific Reminders, or from anywhere else. Place them anywhere and everywhere that catches your eye. I keep a post it note of Mini Reminders on my car dashboard, desk, and night table. Every time I see them I take a deep breath and read them aloud.

Reminders have the power to positively transform our lives for the better. Studies have proven environmental and physical cues we pick up daily affect us more than we realize, triggering habits and thoughts that then begin to feel natural to us. Why leave our most important priorities to chance…check out this month’s 5 simple ways to use reminders  to promote more of what you want in and for your life.


Wishing You Always The Best Of Success  























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Think Big With Starting Small

Think Big With Starting Small

The Power Of Taking Small Steps

Ahh, 2021…we made it! No doubt we are all ready to put 2020 behind us. Though we are not out of the woods yet, we’ve come a long way and learned a lot. Understandably, for most of us our energy is low, this past year has put us through the ringer. But now more than ever it’s important to keep our eye on the bigger picture, knowing there is a light at the end of this tunnel with the administration of the coronavirus vaccine underway. Though you may be weary, the time has come to start considering new and improved possibilities in your life and start going after them. This is where the benefit of taking small steps towards bigger aspirations can have a significant impact, allowing us to slowly but steadily move forward while still holding space to adjust and recover from all of the fall out and massive upheaval 2020 brought us.

Truth is, as a empowerment coach I’ve always been a big fan of breaking down larger goals into smaller more manageable action steps. Let’s face it, even in the best of circumstances, setting lofty goals can be overwhelming. Starting small helps us not only get started but allows us to adjust to the desired behaviors we are seeking so these new action steps become habitual in nature. More importantly, small steps help us avoid fatigue, something we all have to be very sensitive to as we already are working on low reserves as we continue to navigate these uncertain times. 

It’s really all about setting ourselves up for a greater likelihood of success, so we can go the distance. Small steps create momentum and momentum is crucial if you want to make meaningful progress on “bigger” aspirations. Whether you’re wanting to advance your career, resolve health related issues, or want to improve your relationship with significant others, small, consistent steps add up towards these important goals. For example, instead of confronting your teenage daughter head-on to resolve issues, starting first with small acts toward connection builds trust so that when you do need to address issues, you’ll be much more likely to experience positive change. There’s no denying success breeds success. Once we start getting results, it’s more motivating and inspiring to keep going while also allow us to handle setbacks because we already have a foundation and tools in place to pick ourselves back up from any small detours we may incur. Moreover, focusing on small steps is a great way to ACT on procrastination. In other words, make tasks Attainable (with small steps), boost our Confidence, and agree upon a Timeline.

Honor the value of regaining your strength this year while reclaiming your power to dream big with starting small. Don’t surrender to the lure of the winter pandemic doldrums. Ask yourself “what would you like to see happen in and for your life this new year? And more importantly “what small action can you take today to get you closer to experiencing that tomorrow?” Be intentional…it will all be worthwhile when we emerge into the spring mentally, physically, and emotionally on point, raring to go!

Wishing You The Best Of Success 
