by Holly Boxenhorn | Sep 5, 2016 | Blog
Big Problem or Huge Opportunity?
September 2016 Insights
A company once sent two shoe salespeople to an area in Africa where they had never sold any shoes. One was their senior, most experienced salesperson, Margo, and they expected big things of her. The other was an optimistic rookie named Cynthia. She didn’t have as much experience, but she had a lot of enthusiasm. They figured she might be able to sell a few pair of shoes. Shortly after their arrival in Africa, Margo, the experienced salesperson emailed the home office saying, “You might as well bring me back. Nobody here wears shoes.” The rookie, Cynthia, wired the home office an urgent message: “Send me all the shoes you’ve got. Nobody here is wearing shoes!” (more…)
by Holly Boxenhorn | Aug 2, 2016 | Blog
August 2016 Insights
Many of us walk around feeling like we have limited choices in many aspects of our lives. Take notice of how many times in a day you say the words have to, should, and need to. Whenever you feel like you must do something, you’re a prisoner, a victim to your thoughts or circumstances. In fact, when faced with a task or something to do, there are five basic ways you can view them and only one is by full conscious choice. (more…)
by Holly Boxenhorn | Mar 9, 2016 | Blog
Is The Grass Really Greener On The Other Side?
March 2016 Insights
Most of you all know I have two teenage children, so as I am sure many of you can relate to, I am in constant competition with the allure of social media for their attention. Their cell phones and laptops seem to have become an appendage to their bodies, rarely other than when these items need to be recharged do I see them without them. Conversations about how many “likes” they received or how many followers they have, comes up often. Understandably, they know of no other world that existed before Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and the infamous #hashtag becoming an everyday household symbol. Social media is a way of life for them and now us and on some level I understand the value it provides, however, what I find unfortunate and a bit disturbing is how all these social media feeds breed what I refer to as “the grass is seemingly greener on the other side” syndrome. (more…)
by Holly Boxenhorn | Jul 13, 2015 | Blog
How Do You Want To Show Up?
July 2015 Insights
We all are familiar with the proverbial saying, “It is not what you say but it is how you say it that counts most.” Conversations take place at all levels of energy, we either are inspired and bought in or turned off and drained by them. Though effective communication seems like an ability that comes easy to some people it is actually a learned skill, that with cultivation can be acquired by anyone. So how do we go from maybe just being an ordinary communicator to a dynamic communicator? (more…)
by Holly Boxenhorn | May 10, 2015 | Blog
Does The Ends Always Justify The Means?
May 2015 Insights
I’ll be the first one to admit…it’s feels really good to jump on a scale and find myself to be 5lbs lighter after committing to a month of clean eating and consistent exercise. Undeniably, I get tremendous satisfaction when I rock a presentation and land myself a new client or two. Extrinsic rewards, those tangible benefits of a particular job or activity, which is external to the job itself are undoubtably highly motivating. But what about the power of intrinsic rewards, motivation we derive from an outcome that gives an individual personal satisfaction from a job well done. Such as the feelings of enjoyment, pride, security, strength, empowerment, and vitality. While extrinsic rewards can often provide us the push we need to enhance our lives in order to obtain a reward (i.e. more money, friendships, fitting into size 6 jeans) or avoid a punishment (i.e being fired, having high blood pressure, little to no fun & enjoyment in our lives), research indicates that the staying power is in the intrinsic rewards. (more…)