Empowering Your Relationships

Empowering Your Relationships

The Third Entity

February 2018 Insights

In honor of Valentines Day, I’d like to take February’s newsletter to reflect upon enhancing our relationships. Agreeably, Valentines Day has now become a holiday that tends to be more of an excuse to generate maximum profit of flowers/candy/jewelry while often spotlighting for many of us what’s not working so well in some of our relationships. However, with all that being said, none of us live in a bubble, relationships are all around us. Think about your life at home and at work. In virtually every moment of our lives, we are in relationship with significant others, co-workers, friends, family and moreover ourselves. Our lives are a web of connecting relationships. Nurturing and growing positive relationships while effectively managing draining, negative relationships are undeniably a vital aspect that needs to be addressed to ensure greater well-being and success in all areas of our lives. (more…)

Minimize Time Zappers

Minimize Time Zappers

Reclaim Your Time!

December 2017

As we move into the height of the holiday season, notably a time-consuming month and lending nicely to last month’s post on “Shifting The Pressure of Time”, I’d thought it be helpful to take December’s newsletter to explore the two biggest pitfalls women fall prey to resulting in valuable loss of their time…overcommitting and failing to manage distractions. (more…)

Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Embrace A Mastery Mindset

Mastery Mindset…

The Essential Key To Success

September 2017 Insights

Newsletter after newsletters after newsletter, I have spent the past six years sharing a host of insights and considerations all in an effort to support women in their endeavors to obtain and sustain a life they love living. However, I’ve neglected to address the heart and soul from where I believe greater success and happiness is truly rooted…the cultivation of a mastery mindset. (more…)

FEAR…the monster under our beds

FEAR…the monster under our beds

Live LifeMore Fearlessly

April 2017 Insights

Fear is something with which most of us are well-acquainted with. People are afraid of dying, of being injured, and of being alone since we were created. Though most people would argue that external events and people are what cause us to feel fearful it is actually our thoughts about our external experiences that create our fears. The worries (thoughts) that keep us awake at night, hold us back from opportunities each day. Of course, there are situations that rightfully cause us fear (for example, it is perfectly reasonable to be afraid if you are facing someone with a gun pointed at you) but most of the things that we fear are not life threatening. (more…)

What’s Your EQ…not your IQ?

What’s Your EQ…not your IQ?

Components To A Strong EI

March 2017 Insights

You’ve heard me make references to the term EQ before…more commonly I use the abbreviation EI, Emotional Intelligence. For years, a person’s “Intelligence Quotient” or IQ, was thought to determine how successful they would be. But it turns out, not so much! In todays fast paced, overloaded, challenging world, it seems our ability to manage our emotions and get along with others is the single biggest predictor to greater success than anything else. So naturally as a women’s empowerment coach I’m all about increasing one’s EI for two reason’s…enhancing one’s wellbeing and goal achievement. (more…)