Discover Your Interanl Compass

September 2018 Insights

Let’s face it, life is challenging! The path to professional and personal fulfillment is rarely simple or straightforward. We all experience bumps, detours, and hardships along the way. On top of it, the pace of the world is crazy fast and forever changing. We are inundated with people’s opinions and information telling us what we “should” be doing to live our lives more successfully. And while some of what is being shared can actually be of value and support, figuring out where to put our attention can be daunting. We only have so much time, money, and energy. The struggle is real, so how do we make decisions for ourselves that support our personal and professional best?  Well it all starts with establishing an internal compass….who are we as a person, what makes us tick, and where are we currently at in our lives. When we operate from a place of greater authenticity we can then move forward more accurately and strategically to determine where our focus will best be served in our development.   Once we align with who we really are, what’s most important to us, and know what aspects of our lives have the greatest impact on our wellbeing, executing a plan to secure greater happiness and success automatically becomes more evident. As what a compass is designed to do…determine direction…is exactly what our internal compass does for us, in a very personal way. Regardless of the diverse reasons and objectives women come to work with me, establishing an internal compass is a must as it will be the driving force guiding their professional and personal development. To make this all more achievable I created a workbook, bringing together many tools and explorations I’ve used over the years with women to help them lean in and secure their own internal compass, setting the stage for greater sanity and success in their lives.  To access my workbook visit my website, or reach out and give me a call…the path to your internal compass just got easier!

Wishing You Always The Best of Success!
