Program Details
Module 1 (Week 1):
We kick it off with the foundation behind the science of happiness which is all about the ground breaking research that is proving we can undoubtably train our brains for greater success and happiness.
Opening us up to the possibilities that no matter how old or how much baggage we carry everyone can break free of any limiting thoughts and fears so that they can overcome negativity, improve health, reach personal goals, and super charge their thinking to strengthening and grow the person they are at any age.
Module 2 (Week 2 & 3):
The 1st of the 4 pillars to greater happiness and wellbeing~the spirit. “He who has a why in life can bare almost any how,” the perfect quote from Freidrich Nietzsche that represents what this Module is all about. Here, we will connect what we do and how we do with who we truly are. We’ll take our time to expand awareness around a few of the many spiritual influences that have a major effect on our energy and wellbeing.
And to be clear…when I say spiritual I don’t necessarily mean in a religious sense although for some it may include that. Spirituality is just the word I am using that best describes those components of our life that are at the heart of what gives us purpose, motivates and inspires us…lights us up so to say and makes our heart sing.
We’ll cover those aspects that will lead to this deeper inner side of ourselves; like identifying our core values, our strengths, what aspects of our lives are most important to us so that we can operate from a place of greatest authenticity, enabling us to move forward more accurately and strategically in order to obtain the things we want in and for our lives.
Module 3 (Week 4):
The 2nd pillar to greater happiness & wellbeing~the body. Our health obviously affects our physical energy as well as our mental and emotional, the mind-body connection is a real thing. When our bodies are functioning optimally, we have the physical energy to work, play, study, and think. In other words, we have the energy to do the things that bring us success and happiness, in however we measure it.
But remember since we are all built differently there isn’t a single formula that works for everyone. We’ll explore the different aspects that support our physical bodies from nutrition and exercise, sleep and restoration, the mind-body connection and beliefs that surround our definition of what a healthy body looks and feels like to you so that by the end of module 3 you’ll have clarity on how to develop your own body wellness formula.
Module 4 (Week 5 & 6): The 3rd pillar to greater happiness and wellbeing~the mind. This not only includes expanding our intellect but also training our thoughts to work for us. Attending to our mind is twofold, engaging in learning that is stimulating yet not daunting so that we can enable a constant cycle of growth. While also keeping in mind that our thoughts will have a way of getting the best of us. So we’ll explore best practices to harness our mental capacities and the power of our thoughts to improve our concentration, focus, attentiveness, clarity, and confidence; then creating a greater likelihood of fulfillment and successes in our life.
Module 5 (Week 7 & 8): The last pillar to greater happiness and wellbeing~the heart. The emphasis here will be on love and compassion for ourselves and connection and kindness with others so that we can cultivate an open heart…accepting all feelings are legitimate, using our emotions as tools to help us better understand what’s going on for us in any given moment so that we can enhance our relationships with ourselves and others, experience less angst and more ease, enabling us to experience greater inner peace, more laughter and joy in our lives.
Module 6 (Week 9): We’ll use this week as a cushion for anything we may not have had a chance to cover, bring it all together, outline best practices moving forward, and answer/coach around any burning questions or challenges.
Extras Included!
- In addition to the 9 weekly, 60 minute online classes, optional office hours (also offered online through Zoom) and a private Facebook Group will be made available to all participants for extra support, encouragement, and accountability.
- All live gatherings will be recorded should life get in the way and you miss “class” or should you want to reflect back on curriculum specifics. Please note though that your attendance is a BIG part of the experience and the results you will get.
- You will be provided with many resources: tools, exercises, strategies, relevant readings, TED Talks, podcast episodes, etc… throughout the nine weeks we are together and yours to keep to return back to over and over.