Live2Thrive Profile


The Live2Thrive profile is a highly effective coaching tool used to access what holds women back from being the best they can be. It is a 20 minute on-line assessment and a 60 minute coaching session that provides women the self awareness needed to create a life that is thriving, purposeful and fulfilling.

This Profile Is For You If  You…

* Are wondering why you set out with the best of intentions and still find yourself struggling with the same challenges.

* Want to learn more about how you may be unknowingly contributing to minimizing your success & happiness in your life.

 *Desire honest feedback a friend and/or family member can’t or won’t provide.

* Need to break free of what is holding you back and redefine yourself!

What’s Going to Change After You Complete Your Live2Thrive Profile

Unlike other personality and self-assessment tools, the Live2Thrive profile provides you a candid view of how you may be interfering with having greater success and happiness in your life. By numerically indexing your “energy level” and revealing how your unconscious thoughts may be impacting the outcome of your life, this profile allows women to break through to a lifetime of limitless potential!

How to sign up for a Live2Thrive Profile

Contact me and we will exchange necessary information so I can send you the Live2Thrive Profile via email. Once you complete the assessment the results are sent to me within 48hrs. I will then call or email you to schedule your debrief session to go over your results. Generally, this private coaching session runs about 50 minutes to an hour long.

Assessment and one Private Consultation – $235

*The Live2Thrive Profile includes the Energy Leadership Index Assessment  created by  Bruce Schneider, P.h.D., and licensed through the Institute of  Professional Excellence in Coaching.