Too Many Directions, Too Many Decisions,
Too Little Time…oh my!
Finding balance in this face-paced, overloaded world is a challenge many woman have. We are distracted and pulled in many directions. Our dedication and commitment to others often overrides our ability to take care of ourselves. We are constantly on the run, feeling the pressure to manage it all! If trying to maintain balance in your life makes you feel like a tightrope walker, you’re not alone! Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy that life can feel like a three-ring circus. Let’s take a moment in this month’s post and examine our life where it is right now. Is it balanced or does it seem some areas of your life needs more attention than it has been getting? Check out the “quiz” below to see how well you are meeting responsibilities, while also recognizing and fulfilling personal wants and needs.
{ } { } 1. I regularly enjoy hobbies or interests outside of work/family responsibilities.
{ } { } 2. I usually have enough quality time to spend with family and friends.
{ } { } 3. I have time to do something just for myself every week.
{ } { } 4. I find time to exercise, eat properly, and keep myself healthy.
{ } { } 5. I get check-ups, go to the dentist, and take preventive precautions.
{ } { } 6. I take required time to organize, de-clutter, and attend to damaged/outdated equipment or belongings.
{ } { } 7. When I need or want to, I say no to requests.
{ } { } 8. I get adequate sleep most nights.
{ } { } 9. I am happy. I regularly experience feelings of well-being, contentment,
even joy.
{ } { } 10. I have control over my weekly schedule and prioritize how I spend my time
to attend to those things I want in and for my life.
As we all know, balance is key to having a happy more abundant life. Being a mother of two children and managing a busy household and career, I get how challenging it is for women to maintain a place for themselves while trying to balance the many demands in their complex lives. But rest assured, for the past 7 years, as a women’s empowerment coach, I have come to learn and know that every woman can live a life of greater balance and success. Despite how hectic, stressful, and complicated life can get every woman with the right tools and mindset can live a life they love to live. As always for those interested in learning how to thrive rather than just get by, don’t hesitate to reach out for a complimentary “discovery” session.
Wishing You Always The Best Of Success